Judul : Cal State Long Beach Nursing
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Cal State Long Beach Nursing
[ music ] >> now more than ever itis imperative for the csu to exercise flexibility andrapid response and versatility in new program developmentto remain successful in the global market place.
Cal State Long Beach Nursing, quickly evolving globalcompetition requires the workforce to obtain cuttingedge skills and capabilities. fortunately, the csupossess a powerful resource that can leverage theuniversity's systems greatest
assets against both economicand marketplace obstacles. that resource existsat each campus through the extendeduniversity's programs and services. self supported extendededucation provides an agile and essential corecapacity for the csu system. by developing strategic economicopportunities in various private and public sectors, csucampuses are maximizing extended education to supportthe csu mission.
that mission includes expandingoverall access to affordable, high quality educationwhile transforming lives and communities. the self supported extendeduniversity encourages innovative forefront academicexperimentation and collaboration along with market responsiveprogram implementation. a dynamic example ofproductive investment in program developmentis demonstrated
by an award winning professionalscience master's program. based on a seed fundinggrant from the csu commission on the extended university, the program leveraged 187,500dollars to acquire more than 5 million dollarsfrom other sources. the funding launchedmultiple master's programs in biotechnology, a stemcell certificate program, a distinguished speakersseries, scholarship funds, and online graduate courses.
>> the extended universityprovides each csu campus with an opportunity toreach beyond today's funding limitations, to generate newexciting programs that respond to workforce needs and largercommunity development needs. in doing so, self supportprograms provide access at all levels of adulthigher education. >> encompassing a commitment toreach a broad range of students, the extended universityoffers courses to matriculate itsstudents in locations remote
from the main campus, accessibleprimarily through the internet. >> today the extendeduniversity offers more than 40 fully onlineprograms along with numerous coursesin certificates. personally i've been teachingextended ad [phonetic] online for 13 years. for me, it's been a greatchance to explore the vast array of developing digitaltechnologies to create learning communitieswith students connected
from across the globe. >> [music] self supportsummer sessions and special intercessionssupplement state supported courses. in other course, deliveringadditional course cohorts in high demand disciplines suchas nursing serves as an option to compliment statesupported programs. this year more than 300,000registrations have been processed for courses accessedthrough the extended university.
>> we are the laboratorywhere faculty members can try out new approachesand new programs without risking the foundations of the traditionalacademic process. self support givesa boost to the cause of progressive education thatis vital to everyone who wants to stay competitivein higher ed. >> many self support programsconstitute an addition to the university'sregular course offerings
and offer serve adifferent population that cannot be addressed bynormal, general fund operations. accordingly, a significantaspect of the extended university'score capacity is a special ability to satisfy midcareerprofessionals who cannot, otherwise, reconnectwith college to achieve degree completion. great needs arise fromworking adults seeking to finish bachelor andmaster's degree requirements.
these can be fulfilled through acombination of special sessions, condensed course workscheduling, open enrollment, and technologicallydelivered program offerings. workforce education providesvital support for post-bachelor and master's degree individuals in key industriessuch as healthcare. certificate programs inhealth information technology and other disciplines leading toscience, technology, engineering and map, stem based industrypartnerships solidified campus
relationships withemerging market leaders. communities and local economiesthroughout the state benefit when the csu utilizesits core capacity of self support programsand services to enhance and advance the educational base of california's regionalpopulations. in this way, theextended university serves as an innovative, flexible, and responsive approachto education.
>> cal state's san marcos attemecula is thriving today as the result of an innovative, multi-organizationalpartnership. it is a great exampleof a contemporary model for the developmentand expansion of public higher education. >> strategic developmentof opportunities in the international shippingand goods movement industry in the san pedro bay led tothe creation of certificate
and master's degree programs inglobal logistics and a program in marine terminal operations. those programs expandedto incorporate a center for international tradeand transportation complete with federal and state grants,scholarship endowment funds, cutting edge researchinto transportation and clean energy issues,and public outreach forums. across the ocean, selfsupport programs facilitate international education
and bring an entirelynew dimension to the csu. many international and englishlanguage instructional programs are operated by campuses throughextended education units. the csu has many distinguishedfaculty and academic programs and a long trackrecord of accomplishment and scholarly achievement. self support operationsprovide an elastic and innovative resource for channeling thecsu's tremendous assets
in new directions. while complimenting and enhancing thetraditional curriculum, the extended universityoffers opportunities that can make each csu campusa model of adaptability, entrepreneurialism,and community outreach. the extended university isan essential core capacity of the csu. [ cheering ]
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