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Holiday Inn Pensacola Beach Fl
prior to his appointment at enterprise florida, mr. johnson enjoyed a 35 yearcareer with miami-dade county government. there, bill served many rolesincluding the director of the port of miami, assistant county manager and hadoversight at the miami international airport. in addition, bill was thedirector of the miami-dade water and
Holiday Inn Pensacola Beach Fl, sewer department and also had managementresponsibilities for a number of the county's large infrastructure projectsand one notable example is the construction of the american airlinesarena. there's really not enough time to mention all of bill's accomplishments andthe many very important organizations
for which he serves. bill earned amaster's degree in public administration at the university of tennessee. andlastly, and most importantly, bill was born in the akron area a product ofnortheast ohio. please join me in welcoming the president and ceo ofenterprise florida, bill johnson. well good morning everyone! it's apleasure to be with you this morning and indeed it's a pleasure for me to standhere and look out at the beautiful. i have to say before i get into myremarks you're fortunate to live in not only one of the more most beautiful parts of our statebut really one of the most beautiful parts of our nation. this is my thirdvisit in six months as head of
enterprise florida for my third visit to thisbeautiful part of our state and clearly won't be my last. in fact, i'll be back herein a few weeks, actually in october, so it's always a pleasure to be here soagain thank you i want to extend my appreciation to the okaloosa countyeconomic development council for the invitation. it's always great to be back. a number of you in this audience i've had the pleasure of spending time with,getting to know you, your companies, elected leaders and i've met a number of them over the last number of months in my visits here. ron, i want to thank you for the good introduction and while i was born in the town area outside of akron, ohio.....most of my adult life has been spent either
in tennessee where i went to theuniversity. or for the last now....i'm in my 36th year in the great state of florida. state of florida is my home so i love it! nothing wrong with ohio but we competewith ohio for business so this is my home we compete with tennessee this ismy home so i'm glad to be here certainly glad that i feel blessed and fortunatethat governor scott extended an offer an invitation for me to join part of theteam... to what i like to call team florida but i'm thankful to our governor and iwould tell you in my 35 (now 36) year career
i've had many great bosses but governor scott is clearly a unique individual is a great boss. so i'm very thankful for the opportunitythat the governor extended me. i'm very appreciative for the roughly 60 privatecompanies that constitute the board of enterprise florida. these are investormembers, they spend not only their their capital to be an investorand help to support us but they also spend a lot of their time and their energyso that's important. representative gaetz.... (i saw yousomewhere) thank you for your leadership. part of my remarks this morning will deal with a lot of press and no criticism of the media (we like the media)but there's just there is a lot of media
about this controversy between enterpriseflorida, our governor and legislature and i'm hoping to dispel a lot of that. youknow one of the most important things that i can do is head of enterpriseflorida, is work in a collegial way, in a professional way, and in a respectful waywith our elected officials at all levels and in particular with the floridalegislature the body that actually funds us to a great extent -- in additionto our private partners -- but also provide direction and help guide our stateand so i would never want (representative) i would never want you or yourcolleagues to think that i (and i mean this sincerely) would never be disrespectful toan elected official. i will tell you my
entire career i've never beendisrespectful to an elected official. i certainly respect those in the militarywho serve i certainly respect those who give of their time to run for office andit's not easy, especially away from your family and your business so i respectindividuals who do that it's part of (to me in terms of being patriotic) it'sthe american democratic way the democratic process whether you're ademocrat, republican or independent is irrelevant. we are all americans we allserve hopefully the same purpose of making our nation great. so it'sreally good to be with you one of the fun things about this job over the lastsix months
i've had the opportunity to travelaround the state and before that i typically was flying around the usually tovisit family or loved ones and a different part of florida but this job givesme the opportunity in a car and i'm fortunate that my assistant does thedriving versus me so we actually get there without being lost and on time (so thankyou to paul) but i will tell you that one of the things i've seen over the last sixmonths as i traveled the state of florida is...is how diverse state is, howwonderful the state is, how welcoming.... the number one thing i think that we have tosell, as a state, are our people. and there's the sunshine state, we're a welcoming state, we're a friendly state, we welcome everyone
to the great state of florida butnowhere (and paul commented on this a couple of nights go) nowhere have we felt morewelcomed in the last six months than here. and paul said to me over in jacksoncounty there --we had dinner tuesday night in jacksoncounty and paul commented to me as we were leaving --man, the people here are justso friendly and so genuine that is special my friends. that is special and i wouldtell you the number one thing that companies talk to me about (large or small) when they'relooking at florida as a possible location for their company is .....what is thequality of life?
the number one thing we have isquality of life. will talk about that in a few minutes in terms of some of theother things. we have a very focused florida legislature. our floridalegislature is clearly focused has been for the last number of years in puttingthe money in the right spots at least in my opinion. i'm a floridian and i pay taxes and i'll talk about some of the stuff in a moment. we lead the nation in investment ininfrastructure. that's a huge way to sell this state. number one in the nation out of50 states leading the way thanks to our governor and our legislature. ourlegislature doesn't get enough recognition..... i mean this sincerely. weall spend ---every state this year its over
11 billion. that's a lot of theflowing through the florida department transportation that does a wonderful job. our roads, our airports, our ports, our rail....building for the future this is record expenditure in protecting the environment we got nearly twenty billion from the legislature thisyear for education. one of the top two things that companies want when they go to a state and talk to me.... quality of education. i don't get intothe politics but fortunately had a governor some years back named jeb bush. when jeff started as governor we were 44th in the nation in education. myfriends, say we're number seven.
that's not mississippi or tennesseewhere i went to school or alabama state's i compete with...that's us. it's a big way to bring companies here. quality of education. but don't forget asi begin my remarks (and i'm already off script paul) as i begin my remarks (i don't knowwhy they write these speeches for me because i don't use them) let me tell you number one.... quality oflife. and it starts with you, it starts with being a welcome, welcoming friendlystate. so again, i was just with the governor yesterday (believe it or not i've been here three days) and governor calls and says i need to see you right away. well, what am i going to tell him? "no, i'm over in fort walton beach? he goes...well i said yes sir. paul broke the speed limits
and went about 85 miles an hour and got me back to the capital and i met with the boss for a couple of hours. and i'll be blunt, what we're talking about is the legislature and you know my view of where we need to go and he is my bossand behind closed doors we have a good conversation and we need we need havemovement we need the legislature to feel some, some love. we all want to feel respected and so i'mvery optimistic we're gonna get there and i know we got some media audience so iwon't get into too much detail i'll leave that up to the governor to workwith the legislature himself but i'm very optimistic in terms of where we (notenterprise florida - forget about enterprise florida)
where we the state are going. part ofwhat i've tried to do in the last six months and where's andrea moore (she's here somewhere) there is my trusted assistant from this part. she lives over here, she represents us over here. she's nine years, almost 10 years with us what i call boots on the ground. you need boots on the ground. partof what i wanted to do is change somewhere the mindset of the culture ofenterprise florida when i started six months ago. part of the problem we have today, truthfully with enterprise florida, we have not paid attention to the floridalegislature for years and years and
years. how can you expect the people towrite the checks.... to write a check if they don't really understand what you do ,whyyou do it, who you are.... is called what? showing respect. so a big part of my jobis to spend time in the state capital out in the community, out in thedistricts like this to see our elected representatives and to explain what we'redoing and why we're doing it. we're not going to win (you and i) we're not going to win if we're just blasting the legislaure it's not what i want to do. so goingforward, let me tell you about a a couple things we're doing. i see great things here in thegreat northwest, i've been coming here way before i became secretary ofcommerce and head of efi. my first trip to
this part of the great nation was as alittle boy i think i was five years old and it was in the late sixties theyplayed in the gulf of mexico got sunburned on a raft for full-day because i wouldn't listen to my mom kept saying come in put more lotion on. spent the day on the water had a great time, got asunburn and a week or two later i saw in the evening news as a young kid it wasfive years old that particular hotel we stayed in a holiday inn, i think was pensacola or panama city. i think it was panama city but that particular hotel was destroyed in this hurricane ithink it was a '69 but in that had an impression on me as a young kid whichyou know what do you know about hurricanes especially coming from ohio. so it was like whoa but i've been back
many times since when i chaired theflorida ports council (some five or six years ago) i brought fellow port directorsaround the state for two day event in in pensacola or panamacity. we had opportunities to spend two days and have our meeting becauseit's important that we-- whether you're airports or yourseaports --that you're working as a unit of one and that we see great areas and iwanted my fellow port directors to see how beautiful this partof our state was. then i came back with my friends at st. joe...3 or 4 years ago orlonger asked me to come up and spend a littletime talk about economic development
specifically how we work is as a unithow we work together. and i move into my remarks --which i'm getting into right now --if nothing else the takeaway from this is the importance of working as one. theimportance of working as one is you win with a clear roadmap you win, win with aclear vision, you win by partnering in an effective way, you win by working as one. and i have example after example after example my entire career. i'm not thesmartest kid around i just work hard reason i get up at 4:30 or five in themorning when you ain't that smart, you got to work a little harder. ok if you want toget a c you will you maybe study two hours, you want the a maybe study two orthree more hours to get that a. i want that a
cause i want to go on to graduate school, law school so i had to work a little harder. the same thing is true inbusiness in the same thing is true in government for 35 years and i hatebureaucracy. i'm not.... i'll be honest with you (not to offend government folks) i'mnot a huge fan of government because oftentimes government comes tired andlethargic and we're not innovative but government, when it partners withprivate industry, private sector my friend you can have a win and i made acareer 35 years in miami of taking messed up (there is other words i could use for that) messed up agencies that have become lethargic and tired and said.... welllet's re-invigorate this you do that
through strong leadership, you do that bysaying to your fellow workers we are on the the 10 yard line we gotta score you gotta win by what, a clear game plan and i've made my career helping troubled agencies, whether it is the bankrupt port of miami, a troubled miami international airport (itreally messed up) trouble that water and sewer the largest infrastructure programin the nation almost 14 billion down in miami that was really headed thewrong way. my boss (the mayor) called in so we need to straighten thismess out. yeah, we recognize it is costing us our re-election. it's called what...stepping tothe plate not being afraid of a
challenge that's what i tell the ninetypeople that work with me as part of my team at efi. the first day they thoughti was crazy that they probably think six months later i'm crazy but italked about the ball and the ten yard line, to talk about the need to get theball over the line... to score. we need to talk about winning for florida notwinning for efi. i stepped into an agency a great agency, my predecessor did agreat job but there are too many silos are too many walls within theorganization. i had to make it abundantly clear they're here to serve. i will notstand for walls within the organization or outside. we're here to work at thelocal regional level that's why (thank
you) that's why we need to be what...engaged. that's why i'm on the road and the first five six months i've traveledhalf the counties of the state over 10,000 miles by car untold number of plane rides (some of them pretty scary) except for the flight (where is my pilot?) my pilot yesterdaywhisked me back from the capitol here in no time with a spectacular view thepanhandle. again, my thanks to you... my point is this if i'm sitting behind a deskeither in the corporate office in orlando or at the office is intallahassee i'm not doing my job i gotta be out in meeting and listeninglistening hearing what people say and
what am i going to say to you....this area (i'm not saying it cuz i'm standing here before you this morning) this area is destined for great, greatthings and we'll talk about that. great things if we have a clear vision, if we work together and if wereally, really want push and grow i think you're headed for what i call transformational growth some changes and one reason for this and you're gonnahear part of this again today is obviously the ability for your privatesector your public sector to work together to work collaboratively toshare ideas into work as a team and i
think you have great examples of thatright here in this area in this region as i said im a huge fan, huge believerin public-private partnerships against some of the nation's largestpublic-private partnership successful president obama loves to take credit forthe port of miami tunnel, the port of miami tunnel was a state project led by thestate fdot. fifty percent funded by the state (thank you state legislature) oh my goshand funded by the port of miami and the city of miami helped in the county helpbut it was a state local project finished under budget by tens ofmillions and on schedule probably one of
america's most best example of a true p3. public-private. how the white house can take credit for it ....i don't know but theydo and i was amazed (i'm not get into the politics) but the vice president of the united states was in miami last week and i literally (almost fell off while paul and i were driving) someone "twitter, tweeted" someone tweeters something that thevice president was saying that florida's not invested in its infrastructure.florida in particular, its ports aren't ready for the changing world. i almost exploded in the car (did i not?) not enough choice words so i got on the phone with the governor's chief of staff and i
was just (just) could not believe itbecause... why? your legislators invested in the last four years with the governor'srecommendation but we wisely your legislators put 850 million in yourports all across this state. that's billions invested our airports, our ports, our roads. we're building for tomorrow how joe biden can talk about that were notprepared when we are the most prepared state in the nation. we have the bestinfrastructure in the nation, we are in the center of the hemisphere my friends. the center, you, we, florida in the center of the hemisphere how can one say that we're not prepared? i hope somebody responds backto the white house. i certainly will, i
got a big mouth, can you tell? it reallyjust upset me when i saw that i'm like, man i gotta talk to joe biden (you know) italked to numerous times to the president. the white house owes us money, they owe the florida legislature they owe you and i money for projects in jacksonville. they owe us 77 million on the port of miami deep dredge which opens next week (thank you florida legislature, thank you rick scott) because without leadershipout of tallahassee. we wouldn't be (you and i) at fifty feet of water florida, the only deep water port south ofnorfolk, virginia. not charleston, not savannah.... florida. the opening of that project next week, again
on budget, on schedule puts us in the bigbig league and that's exciting thing well let me get in to the meat of it all let's talk about the military yourtri-county relationship with the military i think is a perfect primeexample of what successful partnerships can accomplish. northwest florida'smilitary installations including okaloosa's two air force bases serve as apowerful, eight incredibly powerful economic engines that contribute ofcourse mightily to the region into the state's economy it's huge and againserve as a prime example of how government and business can leverage ifyou will their capacities our
capabilities and resources to benefiteach other... right here this part of our state. installations like the eglin air forcebase which is of course as you very well know the nation's largest military basei think those of you in uniform would agree that in return, our state and ourlocal communities like you right here provide a high standard of support toour military missions. governor scott and enterprise florida and all this about jobsand there's no question that our military bases are an important economiccomponent of local and regional economies that generate thousands good jobs for residence as well assupportive as number of military related
businesses in a neighboring communitiesagain here in northwest florida all this helps contribute in a meaningful way toa great quality of life in this corner of our state. this is true not just inthe northwest region of our state but as throughout our state statewide defensesare third largest industry is right behind tourism and agriculture and ofcourse florida's twenty major military installations and defense businesspresence statewide are responsible for about ten percent 10% of the state'soverall economy and provide more than 75 billion to the florida economy this yearand will generate if you will about 750,000 jobs statewide. one of things wewant to do at enterprise florida and
the governor talks about this..and this isimportant for florida legislature (and you see i keep saying the florida legislature it is important that there is a partnership the governor is the chief executive but you've got alegislative branch. i'm a big proponent of government understanding the rules. the governor has an important role, so does the legislatureand together if they work well in sync together then we are well oiled to move forward. a governor and our legislature understand (as you do) the importance of military and ofcourse florida also greatly benefit from ex military personnel you all know this(i'm sure many in this room are ex-military those who complete their tour of duty
obviously those men and women who leave military bring great value to the economy of our cities, in our county'sand our state. thanks to their expertise they have developed while in the military and of course to their strong work ethic we boast here in florida workforce thatranks among the best trained in the nation and the former retired militarypersonnel helped contribute to that reputation we're proud to be one of thenation's if you will one of america's top military states or one of the toptwo as a governor said many many times our mission is to remain committedcommitted to keeping florida the most military friendly state and our nationwe're committed to them
we at enterprise florida take thiscommitment very seriously and i want to again say to all who serve a great thank youfor your dedication to serving our nation defending our nation we certainlyi do and i know everyone in this room certainly do appreciate it. well after more than 35 years of service(public service) which is amazing to me that never thought i'd be in publicservice with 35 years including a lot of infrastructure and done i don't know howmany billions and billions and billions of infrastructure each was a learningexperience which was fun but each was an opportunity to work as part of a teamone of the things you have to do
especially if you're at the helm isremain humble you have to remember as my father used to tell me god bless myfather where i came from your beginnings remember i was raised as a middle-class kid very humble money was never an issue if either you know he worked hard you camesuccessful but it wasn't about money it was about respect it was about givingback those right values and again my father always told me the importance ofagain remembering family remembering where you have come from those lessons have stayed true to me my entire career my entire life so i look back on my career it'shard for me to believe that i soon to be in a few months 62 years of age and theni've had this blessed fortunate
opportunity to serve my community servemy state there's nothing better than there but one of things i've learnedthrough 35 years is the importance in the value in partnerships the importanceof not only building infrastructure but building relationships to make thatinfrastructure reality relationships are what it's all about it here in thiscommunity in this county i want to congratulate you all for many of yourinitiatives which could not be accomplished without partnership i thinkin many ways you serve as a national model this is part of the importance iwant to get out today when i wanna talk about a couple of examples i'm talkingfor example about the destin-fort
walton beach regional airport. well howis that what is important collaboration how? why? well the airport is situated onproperty leased from eglin air force base property this least the long-term leasegenerate significant annual revenue for the base a separate joint use agreementallows commercial airlines to use the runway and of course to pay fees to helpmaintain that runway field that's a win-win another examplethe water reclamation facility right here okaloosa county constructed a new 10million gallon per day water reclamation
facility on land leased from eglin airforce base the base receives more than $300,000 per year in addition to themaintenance of those wastewater lines provided by the base a third example themid bay bridge authority eglin air force base receives more than three million inpayment in kind of work from the mid day bridge authority for use of the eglin property for what the eleven mile connector for road constructed by theauthority again a win-win partnership these are wins university of florida myfriend you don't do nothing without having the connection to what animportant k through 12 public and private schools the importance of stemtraining our legislature gets that the
importance of universities and colleges. let me just slide off for a second here i was preparing to go up to connecticut try to whisk away general electric to get here, unfortunately, it didn't happen for us but let me tell you that global headquarters out ofconnecticut while we may not have gotten that, we're still gonna get othersmy friends and let me tell you this preparing for that and the speaker of thehouse went with me and the senate president was very kind. senate presidentcouldn't go the same time with the house speaker he sends senator simmons and let me tell you something what did i wanna show the eight senior executivesfrom jet g when the oldest and largest
companies in america that in florida yeswe have a governor whose business friendly but we also have a statelegislature that also understands business is a business friendly and wealso have private sector people here with us and we have several those withus several board members who are private sector from banking and from other areas show that we in florida can combinebusiness with our elected officials really married together to move ourstate florida and i think in florida and that was extremely impressive i thinkto general electric but when you look at it one of things i hear most in this isone of the questions they asked me at ge
don't know what we're doing in patentspatents well we happened to lead and we're one of the leading states inamerica out of all 15 patents coming from our universities last year's over5,200 remember was over 5,000 patents last year in this state what does thatsay it says there is research going on it says that our universities and youprivate business not weak government but in partnership were doing things forcreating things that's something that a company many companies are interestedare you in the cutting edge and we certainly are well university of floridaresearch engineering education facility (reef) is on campus and where? thecampus is on eglin air force base and
it supports the surrounding communitywith collaborating with the air force in terms of research in that lab the ufreef students can gain valuable experience by working withworld-class researchers for the university of florida and for our air force on challenging projects and last thing on this area would be of course this. what is called the holiday inn resort again i understand this is a new hotellocated on okaloosa island and again it's on eglin air force base property itgenerates lease fees to the air force and discount rates to the militarypersonnel while simultaneously what providing for a radar and chinapublic-private collaboration yes our
relationship with the military is veryif you will a very strong and very committed one it's one that serves allthis well but perhaps just as importantly the military continues toplay a big role in helping our state helping our state achieve its primeeconomic agenda our number one goal which is the diversification of our economy one of things i've heard most of thelast six months traveling the state from coast to coast from the gulf side overto the atlantic side covered over half of the 67 county so far is that ourcommunities and our governor and i think our legislature and i we need todiversify the economy historically and
we are fortunate to be blessed we knowwe're blessed tourism continues to reign supreme this year will do well over a hundredmillion visitors to the state those welcomed guests will generate 24 to 25percent of our sales tax for all the state would put in context the largestin the nation is california in population they will barely do 60 million visitors. orlando alone will probably do somewhere around 62. we as a stateincluding this beautiful area up here we're going to right around 200-300million as we continue to grow these are wise dollars invested by your floridalegislature in visit florida that
premiered program in the world to marketa destination i want to copy that plan as a market florida is the premiertourist destination and i want to copy that co-op marketing with the private sectorto sell florida has the the premier business destination in the world notunited states in the world as i travel to sixty-seven counties over thestate and most of us them i say to me..."you know bill, we've got to diversify". governor scott likes to call it that safety net number one industrytourism thank you very much agriculture mr. putnam thank you verymuch military thank you very much but wegotta have more with you have a
softening economy that the recession of08 09 tourism falls off we got to diversify and that is what the legislature has asked enterprise florida to do and that's what i intend to do i want topromote and sell for as the premier location for manufacturing i am offendedthat florida's never had an auto manufacturing plant here i won't say whomy first day on the job i say why has florida never had automanufacturing? oh we could never have auto manufacturing here why? well we are too far south. too far south of what? how does alabama, georgia, mississippi, southcarolina.... how does every state have author manufacturing but florida? the state with the premier infrastructure unbelievable
skilled trained workforce and we'rehungry for your hungry for it i call that a defeatist attitude i call thatthe word no and i don't like the word no you can't work for me if you got theword no in your vocabulary not even maybe the word yes so we you and i aregonna put together a game plan we're gonna go visit our legislatorsrespectfully we're going to show them you need to invest x amount that's a bignumber but it's gonna be a fifteen twenty year contract deal and is goingto translate to hundreds and hundreds actually into the billions of return tothe economy i don't think our legislators ever been presented in athoughtful way respectful like that kind
of a game plan you're not going to getvolkswagen or chevy or mercedes here for five million bucks it's going totake special attention special focus would clearly a case study behind and wehave this case that is we need to go speak speak with our legislators andshow them what we need to do we had some opportunities you have someopportunities with triumph funds we have some opportunities to work together tomake great things happen so are we talking about i'm talking about civicleaders everywhere i go i love it there's people from the pta, the countyclerk, the mayor, the commissioner city-county, small-business.... the backbone of florida is small business and what i see
when i travel meet with these folk? bill, we need to diversify the economy and we intend to work with you to do that if ihad one message for you today message is going to be the following howcan we how can you and i how can we join forces to make our state the nation's leader in job creation and job growth. today we are the nation'sleader (we've overtaken texas) leads the nation injob generation thanks to the governor thanks to the legislature it's apartnership since governor scott came in four and a half years ago and thislegislature the number stands almost nine hundred twenty thousand net privatesector jobs in four and a half years
with any state in the nation we want tostay there we went to grow that and that sounds great sounds good i ask you acouple questions to state to stay there and to continue to prosper you need tohave a shared vision remember i talked to you earlier about vision, shared vision notmy vision not efi's vision... your vision my vision shared vision with ourlegislature with our governor with our business with our chambers with our local economic development agencies shared vision and i ask you is floridastate leading the way are we the state leading the way to a new era of growthand prosperity for this nation i asked you can't florida can we be the modelfor the united states and how we compete
today in a in a changing fiercelycompetitive global marketplace the answers unequivocally yes if you think big ifyou work in earnest together in partnership but we have to have a sharedclear vision you're gonna get lost in the forest if you don't have your rightgps you're right vision as i turned around the bankrupt port of miami, that wasn't my vision it was micky arison from carnival corporation or richard from royalcaribbean where was my shipping lines immersed in the other shipping lineswhat did they think not what i think it's their money because they're paying thebills what do they think we had to have
a clear shared united vision 8 years when i exited the port of miami we've gone from basically bankruptcy losing a million a month on the operatingside for two years in a row to its strongest financial position in its 100year history have found our way not by bluster not by me but by talking andpartnering with the community with our state with our legislature in with ourgovernor shared clear vision. i think you're going to sense i like to think big. ball is on the ten yard line and i want to score but why shouldwe you and i not think big? ok i believe that we florida is on the cusp youespecially in north northwest we're on
the cusp of new growth i think that whatwe do realize we do understand we face great competition but we're up for thegame we are suited, ready to go. we've got goodwhat a good game plan by any measure i think i know we are one of the nation'smost probably i think the best most attractive look out in the nation forbusiness growth especially here in this region of our state we're growing againbut also let me say this to you while we're growing not everybody and everycorner of the state has felt that turnaround since the recession of 08 09some communities still have double-digit unemployment or povertythis particular region right in here your
doing well but i go to surroundingcommunities they're not doing well at 08 09 numbers are below the vast majorityof florida's doing extremely well especially the large urban areas thatthis is not a time to gloat this is not a time to sit back and say all mybusiness is doing well let's take a vacation this is the time to skinny downpush the foot to the accelerator this is the time to work doubly hard double downlet's move forward to it that grow what are we doing here the 2009 states in the nation we grow toover 800 new residents every day seven days a week that's huge. its hundreds ofmillions of new revenues for the
representative deal with in tallahasseei think the numbers me something like i'm told it 8.1 billion with threehundred thousand-plus new residents. do you realize many states some states arelosing population last year the state of new york lost over 60,000 you gain two hundredand seventy thousand new residence last year you gain over 300,000 this yearlets welcome them let's welcome our tourist was welcome our new visitors whocome in get gainfully employed open up businesses grow and expand the economywith the nation's third-largest populated state in over 20 millionthat's consumption a hundred million visitors thats consumption one areaalone one area alone you got 15 sea
ports, you got nineteen commercial airports, if we get all of our businesses to move all their commodity away from the portof savannah and move it to a florida port your gonna create billions ofdollars of extra extra added value let me just tell you i just told you howlarge we are population and visitors a huge consumption 50% of what we consume our visitors in as 50% half comes to a non florida port coming from the port ofla long beach or savannah in particular that's a loss of literally billions ofdollars of wealth to the economy of florida it's a loss of tens upon tens ofhigh-paying jobs let's focus on that if you have a business in your bring yourproduct in through the port of new
orleans the port director is a greatpersonal friend the port director in savannah is a friend forget that.... they're friends... i'll have a beer with them bring your product now through the port of new orleans gary won't missit bring it through here ports and add to the economy and addto the job growth in our state well again i like to say is doing well we'recoming back but again that's put the push to put to the pedal one of mybiggest concerns and fears is complacency. mark wilson from the florida chamber and i talked about this often we both have the same concern the same hereif we leaned back and say hey we made it
we're in trouble. there is many manychallenges many many if you will issues to deal with my biggest issue right nowis making sure that were t'd up committee start next week i'll be testifyingbefore senator nancy committee on commerce and tourism respond to thequestions of my fellow are the legislators in a in a meaningful way tohopefully get some of the positive word out in terms of why efi exists, what wedo, why we do it and how we're in partnership with you at the localregional level but again part of the challenges this and again i gottarepresent of sitting right here and i say this in a respectful way
we need to compete in a globalcompetition. texas, the carolinas in particular the surrounding southernstates you feel more than most you feel the pressure here more than the folks innaples or miami took as you're competing today if you will run across the stateboundary state border it's tough when i had an allocation of 43 million for thetoolkit and i just said this is not being argumentative we got 43, we owe 31according to deo we i can't write the checks they are my judiciary agent, theywrite the checks the owed 31 i'm left with 12 or 13 for the whole year sincejuly 1 when the year went into effect our fiscal year we've done 3 transactionsor 4 or 5 transactions we basically between
us and my fiduciary agent (which is deo) we have about handful of deals costing about three million dollars in stateresources and left with about nine million dollars now again this is asclose every day some deals fall in some deals fall now if it's due today and ihad to close on the transactions that were working i didn't have too many as ican't just make the money we would lose somewhere a little over 8,000 jobs as itstands today and we would lose about i think 1.2 billion of capital investment and again, this is not scare tactics this is only puttingthings in perspective even if it was the 43 millioni got to spend time can compare that
with arkansas with less than threemillion population they got fifty million and compete with texas of wellover a hundred million most states spend in that high range we need somewhere inthe range truly of new money in the range of about 45 to 50 million a yearto be competitive with ours in the closing fund as i said a few minutes agoto beginning that's our failure our failure if i is that we have not keptthe eye on the ball we have not paid the right level of attention to thelegislature especially one on one but and do nothing but providing theminformation not lobbying them providing them information in terms of what we doi hope to start doing some of that in
the next few weeks in the house and thesenate committees in a respectful way and get past you know the blistering youpass the rhetoric of it we're we're we're fighting each other i don't wannafight with anyone especially my legislature i'm gonna be in sync with myflorida legislature so we want to do and we're gonna do what we can with thatsaid the florida legislature was incredibly gracious a number of areasless session incredibly gracious they funded $10 million, the first everenterprise florida you and i received ten million dollars to to effectivelymarket florida is a business destination that's a first
our responsibility my responsibility isto demonstrate to the legislature in to demonstrate to you with your input andsupport there were good stewards of that money there were properly properlyselling our state around the nation more important around the world as thepremier business destination i'm not criticizing the past by sure ain't gonna do itwith orange ties which was what our marketing campaign was before i actuallyintended to not show sand castles.... let that be up to visit florida...i intend to show actual aircraft because the opportunity to manufacture aircraft or manufacture a car. i want to show people in lab coats i want to show that we're leading stayed in it
july 25 flying out to silicon valley fora day that's needed i got an invitation a rare invitation i will tell you fromamazon i spent a day at corporate headquarters in seattle few weeks agothat imitation doesn't go to anyone who can read through connections i got a dayin the corporate offices many many meetings for separate important meetingsfor a full day with executives at amazon are getting ready to announce anotherbig announcement in our state they're doing million dollar facilities there i spent the next daywith the corporate office of starbucks are growing interstate the open up tolatin headquarters here for starbucks in
our state my job is to be where theaction is to try and influence decision-makers and companies to advocate why florida is the state foramazon to continue to grow out of manufacturing that's my audacious go iwant you to have that so too close up quite simply we're on track if you willto continue to grow i want you hopefully in sync with us to be respectful ofclaiming to represent engage in to everyone else who really carry the waterfor us to really help us we don't want to beat up on them we want to show themrespect we want to show them that we are what good partners we need to refreshour brand we need to refresh how we sell
the state we can do that together wewill be out and about i mean if it's you know the governor's getting married youown one or two day trip to kentucky we've been to california for a day we'vebeen to connecticut new york we've been to pennsylvania these are typically oneday trips into now selling florida articulating why this is the state let'snot think small let us think big let us have a clear vision let us workin partnership together and together let us grow our great state thank you verymuch appreciate the opportunity with you today
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