All Souls Cemetery Long Beach

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All Souls Cemetery Long Beach

yeah happy halloween katie you're nice cost -you're late i'm sitting alone in a cemetery any noware you a piece of candy yeah cool huh i figure when people seeme only can he be give out look small so that overcompensate by giving us moresmart huh

All Souls Cemetery Long Beach

All Souls Cemetery Long Beach, brilliant where's jimmy getting hislittle cousin i think his mom is making him take herout with hey burt got enough room in your trunkfor all the candy will get i said do you have the window

hi that's better now i can hear yousweet ride what are you supposed to be i'm abaseball player and his suv it's loaded with all the optionsincluding anti-lock brakes and an atomic powered laser cannon right on i'm apiece of candy where's jimmy it's creepy out here the table and the devil shut up herefool your weight i know how to get the babycome on hannah katie hi carol hyper hi i have i likeyour fairy princess wings ok cool i helped with the glitter really

my mom doesn't let me touch later notsince that incident with the glue and the dog my parents are giving up big candy barsfor trick or treat i grant one for everyone that's cool you i'll put this in my glove department forlater i can get my own halloween candy i don't need any babies help mycreatures of the night are you interrupting me but i'm notreally a creature of the night i'm a baseball player and then i'm apiece of candy don't look at me i'm a full fledged creatureof the night!

darrell there is nothing scary about a piece ofcandy. hey you can be a mean piece of candy like when you eat too much of it and itfinally gets you sick! that's good. i'm that last piece ofcandy that makes you sick now burt baseball players play nightgames right? that's true so i'm like a half creatureof the night ok come now my creatures and halfcreatures and sick makers and hannah if you're about to say that you're afairy princess and not a creature than i

either i'm going to take you home rightnow now is our time we become monsters surging forth and... monsters!!! jimmy. i'm sorry jimmy i didn't know how powerful it was what the heck were you shining that dumb thing around for? flashback, flashback. hit it. are you anxious to get outside with allthe monsters pumpkin? monsters?

oh she'll be fine she'll be with jimmyand his friends they're very responsible especially thatkatie she's got a good head on her shoulders i'm just glad she's going with darrellhe's so big and strong he can take care of any monsters ding dong! come on honey we both know katie willlook out for her i trust that darrell with his boyish goodlooks and sense of fair play. good grief. ding dong.

don't worry pumpkin. darrell will protect you from themonsters ding dong ding dong ding dong already. oh that must be jimmy. i'll get it. here you go honey, monsters can't standflashlights. hello jimmy, oh don't you look cute. thanks, happy halloween. hannah ready?come on hannah! don't worry honey if you get frightened jimmy's promised totake care of you.

ok mommy. bye! hey, jimmy wait up! yeah, that was a lot like it happened. hey i getto be in the next flashback. hannah, shine your flashlight around andscare all the monsters ok. i need to talk to these guys for a second. okay jimmy. okay here's the plan. we're gonna ditchhannah. we all want lots of candy don't we.

so we'll scare her and she'll run home and then we can do what we want. okay. well she is kind of slow. and we can go faster as a group of big kids. and get twice as much candy without her. then we're agreed. follow me and i'llmake sure we have the best halloween yet! i didn't find any monsters. good work hannah, you're notscared are you? maybe a little. you want to be a big kid, right? right?

well if you're a big kid? you won't be afraid to trick or treatthe spook house! years ago on halloween night, the people who lived here forgot to leave candy for the hungry monsters and got eaten for it! so now every year the new kid has toleave candy in the basement of the abandonedspook house to keep the monsters from eating every kid in the world. and guesswho's the new kid? watch the baby will turn and run

now what your little cousin just wentinto the spook house! i guess we'll just have to scare her ourselves. follow my lead. hannah look! the owners ghost, over there! leave your candy, it's your only hope! i think i hear a skeleton rattling in the closet. you hear that witch laughing! or the werewolf howl. you better hurry hannah!

get to the basement throw some candy down there. we'll be right behind you. jimmy, katie, anyone... boo hoo. why are... why are you crying? because i like thesound of booing. boo hoo hoo. hannah marie! say hello to your scary godmother.

my what? scary godmother... tada. you mean you came because i was scared. sure. i came because you needed me. now, what were you so scared of that it madeyou cry. monsters. monsters! boy oh boy, are you in luck? some of my best friends aremonsters!

come on. i'll take you over to my realm in the frontside and introduce you. lets go! there we go. what do you think? very homey face when she turned aroundand we were gone you've been filling her head full ofstories all night so easy to wait right here for her check out screaming any second

what are you looking for can i help we've got to find scully he said he'd be here by now scally that's no monster it's just my broom ohmy scary godmother sorry to be so late but i just had toget these old bones bleached for the party you look 300 years younger sure our halloween party me and my brewmates throw one every year

i like items it is the smokiest phantombest in the whole round everyone will be there it's practically up whose monster saidand it's essentially who are you scully i would like you to meet my newfriend hannah this is mr. pettibone he's our official skeleton in the closetwell up it's a pleasure to meet you miss animalis anyone have a skeleton in their closet almost everyone little meds i work in the closet up all the oldhouses keeping their secrets and just

rattling around but when it comes tohalloween night i love nothing more than to roll the balls and a good party you are staying for the party aren't youyes oh well good i don't know scary godmother said that there will bemonsters of the party and i'm scared of monsters oh my you just haven't met up good one yeah you see hannah monsters are a lotlike fire

some are real nice summer not so nicebut all of them are creepy and chromoly don't like what's that supposed to help yeah the good word yeah yes and now allthe time landed me on this is wasting our precioustrick-or-treating time i've always darrell and i are smart enough to getsome trick or treating and i'm away here you know if you pick first then youwon't need to trade with me all the time i liked riding with you dale never knowwhat i want until you pick it out first fine so how can you to caramels 43 babychocolate bars

ok oh little backup gumdrops for thissugar cluster okay i promise you this joke for everykisses no wait i don't have any kisses oh breaker breaker we lost contact withkatie and darryl please advise he's been over bird nobody puts seabees and suvs these days uh you just left your baby cousin to themercy of killer monsters on halloween night and you're concerned with theadditions and upgrades in my cardboard suv

yeah good point here's the rest of the road pop ourguests will be here any minute how do i look hmm right oh you're too kind only to his mother sorry hey harry thank you scary godmother i don't mindif i do didn't wear those wonderful still 71 thecookie plate i believe that you won't mind if i just a sample of thedelicacies do you know down boy last year you devastated theentire buffet before the other guests

even a ride there you sir i come to a party to enjoy the companyof good now good for shay now roll over the fees roll over i was not too great myself oh yeah good boy here now no more until everyone else shows up andyou'll be lucky to get that little you'll be lucky about a very of fever inthe backyard you got room eric i want you to meet my new friend

mmm but it can't be don't be coy my dear i really like you who's you know who sheis of course it's ophelia see todd whoplayed the princess of x plus b is an episode 42 of the spectral fix this she's practically in the same costume aswell who were priceless in joke for those ofus who are longtime spectators alike myself of course or two mr. todd it's not for me it's for

do you mind if i call you helia i don'tmind but it's not my name hurry this is not a few years i am sucha huge fan of the show i must know every single line with everysingle episode remember when i fair yeah that's fineand helps you get a word in edgewise to leave favorite crackers what get him one with peanut butter topush them together and just another chattering where no harry this is my new friend hannahmurray not obviously would have you played at m lord high money molassesfrom your favorite television show him

silence you sick to my cranium marriagei role should be done count max ruby horses sarah gold mama you know what'sintimidating being around royalty but don't worry we should offer them somerefreshments don't you think the chocolate-covered fly ball mind if i'dknows that mean that i'm watching my fever dark chocolate shall we move to theother room won't worry the light ok why are they just standing there oh nothat's right

vampires can't enter a house unless youinvite them in really that's very polite oh yes i'mwell they have the king and queen of the night grace my humble home because r isr the place looks great help yourselves tothe food oh with this is my friend hannah murray hannah this is count max his wife rubyand their son person hi are your real vampire for some realvampire are you real human yeah but you're justa kid so are you do you go to school sure

right school do you go to school i go toschool sacred heart mmm sounds tasty but you go during the day so how can yousoon as all that sunlight in your eyes i can see in the dark you can't eat his first three human cute do you sleep in a coffin sure i'veslipped my own coffin since i was three you mean you still share a coffin withyour parents no i mean yes i mean i don't sleep in a confident at all your home is awesome honey

- not from around here they don't needto have you fly off and enjoy the party ok can you flowers those wings yeah grace into the kitchen then we can talk again be still my beating ribcage quit first dang hello next good evening and it is niceto see you nice to be seen oh miss ruby delightful to see you mydear

what what what what so mad you run in a celebrity crowd what do you think you'll be seeing thiscrystal is you do perhaps an autograph err yes max lookdeep into my eyes ok looking mouth cease your chatteringand sleeps feet on an empty stomach but but it's better and some peace andquiet all right oh i like the way you think count max can i get you to drink thankyour bloody mary oh my mary ah without it it would be a partywithout you here bug a book

you don't take a deep breath nice dark scary kids after hours i'mgoing to put in for overdrive and now calm down it knock knock what are you a coal miner but i guess uhoh yeah that flashlight only work on monsters that hide in your closet yeahand a bugaboo is a monster that hide under your bed nice cover i don't care what kind ofmonster he is giving away from me he's big and mean and no i'm sorry ididn't make the ruin the party

maybe i should go oh you don't have togo no no i understand it comes with the job maybe not that mean after all well to tell you the truth monstersaren't me big and scary yeah but not me beingscary is right no you just trying to butter me up does that mean you'll stay you got it after all it is my house all right

door is ajar door is ajar door is ajar will you stop that please fasten yoursafety belts why is she screaming yet now what are we gonna do we've practically missed halloween thisisn't funny anymore we've got to go in and get hannah she'sgot to be scared to death by now look i'm the leader of this group and isay we wait who made you leader what do you mean ofcourse i'm the leader

that's not fair we didn't even vote youwant to vote fine well though who wants me for leader okay who wants bert for leader darrell katie that's one vote for everyone i demand a recount that's still one vote for everyonerecount that's one vote for everyone freaked out not doing nobody has changed their votei just want to see how long he'll keep this up we get out

that's one vote for everyone rake out well you just stop it oh will do rockpaper scissors ready go all rock no winner rock no winner all rock no winner look wise guys nobody is gonna win if weall the rock is that clear ready go haha rock beats scissors scissors scissorsi'm still leader and i rule no more voting

so what now stick it in park and wait honey i need in the fridge sally arestruck turn i know i'm not afraid of you you should be someday are being of thenight bobby movie star princess veterinarianafter a ballerina with the pony cool i love your dress ruby there's our thing i was provided to bevaried in it move angle issues remember one of empire queen used tolook like a queen makes a mix

it's just a modern little flock tomother and two little for my taste you can put ecclesial ankles don't freak out matt after all you cansee my hagel my do i she looks nice ravishing yes beautiful of floors andankles really one century of his car sits and bustles with the next thinkyour mom its platforms in miniskirts six so as i was saying do snakes know whatdancing always makes me peckish was the method of my life you are usually the death of the part ido not want to talk about it oh tell me my alabaster romeo why areyou so out of sorts

yeah it is just not make see i don'twant any bad blood between us items if we're not good at para pc lookfirst thing with ease i feel out of touch and then i get self-conscious butthese are our friends they like you just the way you are 500 use their senior i'm all i just have to remind myselfevery now and again the baby is that one vs century now didn't the first century my preciousgreat mount my watches pop this man i show you maxie that if you want to breakthe eyes start with a joke stroke i think i will try

oh my parents are making again maybe there's something i can meet onthe table bad dog bad dog out of town up all of myprecious work my differential and all my fortunes all & hobbies vacation mightplease your casserole oh thank goodness you don't eat quiche no i met the otherstaff oh gorgonzola what i know what the partyis just starting him around no i could whip up some werewolf bob

seriously what are we going to do wehave to serve something i'm getting hungry i'm starving notgonna fade away to nothing if i don't eat something soon picture peter higgs peter would be anice change it's a up back in my day we neverthought of putting cheese and sauce and be good really i know there's so embarrassing icould just live i loader they know the sound of my voicediablo brothers know who wants garlic what i

maniac are you trying to point in lifeevery girl like you get that bentley man no special have all positive have a b-make sure there's extra cheese yeah that's the cheese and our yeah youyou eat pizza with cheese and all of us yeah i like all so how about monstersate little girls god that silly little girls make thecrust all soggy haha just joking kid it's my job toscare kids not eat them i went around eating all the clientsmight be out of work who told you that budget not says mycousin jimmy hmmm well i'm sure this jimmy / monthsto discussion is imperative to the plot

can we get back to something that isreally important like ordering pizza three we haven't forgotten who inhaledthe boo - a point well taken socially awkward pause i found this inthe apple mother's beach . you by we fly or years to order theory godmother that'll be 197 dollar tip not includedtwo hundred dollars and peeta sure 12 extra larges at 15 bucky of course you could oh and sorry my soul is worth more than 12 pieces gotany money

no i left it in my other pelvis oh haha very funny 12 piece of harry naturally i wanted to be considerate ofeveryone's choices oh let's see if bugaboo has any moneystuck to him from being under the bed all day good you have references people insult youmake a domestically and fucking scary sometimes you are interested and porscheand you just have playing table manners do i know you will harry you'll help mein the pumpkin patch

you mix spider webs and the two probablyhave two nite paid off my halloween enjoy your pita it's tuned to ashes inmy mouth that's my men i had happened ashes havegreen pepper god this is great we both like to say kind of pizzanothing better than cheese and olives yum - starting to cool off that's itgets nice and quality want to try well we've been eating pizza with garlicand in fact he touched your pizza and then you ate it oh yeah your allergy whoa thanks

i wasn't thinking bro so other than thatmrs. lincoln out would you enjoy the show well anyway i should probably be gettinghome i almost forgot what i came here for i'm sorry i was scared of the bugaboohere well lord you sui how did you not much just like candy my cousin jeanne told me he said thatevery year new could have to meet candy for the monsters

otherwise the monsters will come and eateveryone but i think any of us would eat no no not anymore but jimmy fucking me wait a minute isthis that same jimmy that said i like to gobble up little girls then it's thesame jimmy that's on my route scarab silly every other thursday . scar oh yeah since i'm on the kids best iknow all the things they're afraid of it's my job ana where is jimmy nowwaiting for me class well okay his weight is just aboutover i think it's time we taught those bigkids a lesson

here's the plan jimmy we're going to get in so muchtrouble seriously ok i have a plan as leader i ordered you guys to go in there andbring out the baby you're the leader you go in there and bring out the babyok we'll all go no way monsters i told you there's no fine i'll go i'm going with jimmy and i'm going toi'll be waiting for you right here right here alone in the dark

we better get going who the heck are you what are you doinghere i'm orson i'm a vampire i'm jimmy i'm the devil happy halloween hey have you seen alittle kid dressed like a dumb fairy princess probably bawling your eyes outlike a big baby very win school crown pink dress yeah nope oh this is darryl he's a piece ofcandy katie she's a cat and bert he's baseball player driving his suv nicelyas you can by the way see the vampire

kid knows that i'm supposed to be uhhere no vampire he's just another dorky kid someone elsedared to go into the spook shows am i right yeah he just for the record ithink you're real vampire comes out this kid's not a real vampire i'm going to tell my dad used to him nota real vampire tell him tell your mom to but you canstop me if you've heard this one for bobby kids walk you through a spookhouse in my bed and we came across a funny joke click click click

the way yo b got your market on who yes how are my rightful friend terr holdmutilate before they reach the safety help ok good work everyone nice ok we're safe we made it we should probably stay hereuntil the sun comes up your cousin probably got eaten that will you talkwhen you explain to a room full of good

thing it means leader you'll have to do it shut up darrell ican't think with your breathing right down my neck um jimmy i'm over here rhyming not like i'm a flashlight oh my eyes my eyes don't know what a harsh light get myexpire more not be alive my little way good

i river i moon we are out look how that night radiated by countersjust too much for me your night hit his hold the light burns it burns worse thanthe worst burn ever mercy me is this the end of four happyit seems so goodbye mother i could see long time with a brake lighti moved towards the light you all right die die and play then i deeverybody i am here hannah well i ever see you okay anytime youwant to come back to the right side for a visit

just use this key in any door we'll seeyou soon thanks scary godmother to bring your would you mind holding my hand onjust in case you get scared that is yeah i got me not like to do it one more time to me peterlist what no it's hungry work my build upcrying every day it's not easy scary people you know who- no no please don't come any closer fucking move

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