Zip Code For Myrtle Beach Sc

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Zip Code For Myrtle Beach Sc

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1038\cocoasubrtf360{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;}\margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 \pard\tx720\tx1440\tx2160\tx2880\tx3600\tx4320\tx5040\tx5760\tx6480\tx7200\tx7920\tx8640\ql\qnatural\pardirnatural \f0\fs24 \cf0 hi, i am jay seville, here atporter\'92s pointe, a bill clark homes community\ in wilmington, north carolina and i am withheather archer, the builder\'92s rep at this\

Zip Code For Myrtle Beach Sc

Zip Code For Myrtle Beach Sc, community. how are you doing, heather?\\ i am doing great. how are you?\\ very good. let\'92s both speak loudly. andi have a few questions. heather,\ how long has this porter\'92s pointe communitybeen on the market? how long have you been

building this?\\ bill clark homes has been in the neighborhoodnow for about a year.\ so, we start \'96 we had our official grandopening last september. so, we\'92ve been here a little over a year.\\ how many homes have been built so far?\\ as far as under construction at [indiscernible][0:00:43] we\'92ve sold a\ total of 26, some of those have not yet brokenground. so, i\'92ll probably say at least 20 are under construction at this point.\\ have sold?\\

we have sold a total of 22 homes this year.\\ alrighty. that\'92s pretty fast.\\ yeah.\\ that\'92s amazing. and if someone buys a homein porter\'92s pointe, how long\ does it take to get from writing the contractto delivery date?\ \typically, we estimate about six months for the whole process and we\do allow one to two months for all your preliminary work. you got to meet with our\interior designer. we order your plans, order the permit. and once we break ground, it\'92stypically about four months.\

\right. so, an interior designer gets to consult with your buyers?\\ you sure do.\\ fantastic. and what else can you tell me aboutporter\'92s pointe.\ \we do a lot of standard features here in porter\'92s pointe. i think you will\find as far as the architecture in wilmington, it is very unique with the rear entry garages,the big front porches. it\'92s kind of conducive to what you would say like kind of the olddowntown area.\ \right.\

\we do a lot of standard features and we are natural gas out here, so a\major plus, fireplace, solar water heater all contain natural gas.\\ right, i know just from having arrived already,i am seeing some\ remarkable features, big front porches, rearentry garages; i have not been seeing that at any other new constructions so far in thearea. and i am just going to rise up to the roof of the front porch to show people howgorgeous that is. what kind of wood is that or what kind of material?\\ it\'92s a bead board and we actually shineit. we can also paint it as well.\

\right. white sometimes people. anyway, yeah, these are beautiful homes.\i am going to take a tour of the model inside. and as far as porter\'92s pointe, how \'96what\'92s the distance here to get like to downtown wilmington? how long does it take?\\ downtown is really easy with the new will take you maybe\ 10 or 15 minutes; wrightsville beach, probablyagain 15, 20 minutes; mayfaire, we\'92re literally 5 minutes from that.\\ oh, wow, mayfaire.\\ and also we have a really nice shopping centerthat backs up to our\

neighborhood and has, you know, some reallynice stores, restaurants, mobile boutiques so that\'92s within [indiscernible] [0:02:57]as well.\ \and how long \'96 how many more homes are left? how many more lots are\available?\ \we are about halfway sold out. so, we have another 28 homes to sale.\so, we\'92re hoping to be completed here in about a year.\\ i think you will be completed by the end ofspring 2013.\ \i hope so.\

\jay seville: because the market is booming, prices have started rising. so, if someoneis going to buy a home, they should do it now in the winter, otherwise, they will belosing a few percent equity next year because the market really turned the corner this year.\\ absolutely.\\ alright. let\'92s go inside and look at themap.\ \okay, sure. come on.\ \questions, heather. sure. how many floor plans do you have?\\

heather archer: has three different, we\'92re trying to really make the neighborhood feel like a custom neighborhood.\\ right.\\ so, every houses are not the same.\\ oh, that\'92s really cool and very thoughtful.and what is the square footage of\ the floor plans? what do they range from?\\ we start around 1500 and go up to about 3000square feet. price points\ are starting around 254 and go up a littleover 300.\ \right. so, from 254 to 300, it sounds like

there is a lot of extra value for the\square footage if you just bump your sales price little bit.\\ because the difference in your mortgage israther minimal for $50,000 sales\ price.\\ in fact, it\'92s probably only $300 extraa month, 400 for an extra 1,500 square\ feet.\\ so, if anyone is buying in porter\'92s pointe,they should really consider\ obviously bumping out 20, 30 or 50,000 andgetting a lot more home for almost the same monthly payment, right.\\

yeah. well, the good thing too when you comeinto our neighborhoods,\ you don\'92t have to upgrade everything, granitecomes standard, [indiscernible] [0:04:42]\ living area. we do a lot of built ins; a lotof copper ceilings. we will walk through the\ house in a second.\\ okay.\\ i am going to point out some of the standardthings that we do.\ \great. so, included in the price are a lot of standard features that normally\buyers are having to upgrade with other builders in the area.\\

correct.\\ that\'92s good to know. alright, great. it\'92sbeen nice talking with you,\ heather.\\ me too.\\ okay. we\'92re at porter\'92s pointe. we areat the club house in the swimming\ pool. and, i am going to pan over here, heatherif you don\'92t mind and let people see what it looks like. not many \'96 here we go. so,heather, i will make this observation since i have done a lot of new homes in wilmington,north carolina and negotiated contracts. not many of the new communities have swimmingpools.\

\absolutely.\ \and that\'92s what i have found a lot of buyers are looking for swimming pools\and that\'92s helped them, caused them to cross many communities off their list withother builders. so, this must be a big selling feature for you?\\ heit is actually. we built this, this summerwe had it ready for the\ residence here to enjoy [indiscernible] [0:05:48]and actually just closed last month.\ \but yeah it\'92s a really good fenced pool. we had a big grand opening\for all the residents when we had it and plenty

of space. there is, you know, plenty of chairs,not at right now.\ \we\'92re going to [indiscernible] [0:06:00] but.\\ sure.\\ yeah, it\'92s a great little area. and thereis also a covered porch here.\ \okay.\ \typically does have tables and chairs up under it.\\ you can bring your lunch and.\\

cool. now, do people sort of often order adelivery like pizzas to be\ delivered here?\\ i am sure they do, yeah. i am not around herea lot to really see it. but\ i am sure.\\ at echo farms i see that a lot of the familiesare at the pool and they have\ pizzas delivered\'85\\ on the spot. and what\'92s the monthly feehere at porter\'92s pointe?\ \$75 a month.\ \and access to the porch, the pool; maintains

other commoner in the\neighborhood and we also have private streets here.\\ private streets, great. alright. thanks again,heather.\ \you are welcome. thanks.}

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