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Hotels In Long Beach Island Nj
i'm here at cayman brac. cayman brac is theeasternmost of the three cayman islands. and it looks like what i've discovered is an abandoned resort. i'm going to go check it out. parked my car right over here. i'm on the south side of the island, on the western edge. i think the island is about 12 miles long. this building here ... there's three buildings it looks like ... .... three main buildings. it's peachor pink. looks like some of the structure
Hotels In Long Beach Island Nj, ... structural damage. looks like it's faceda little of that. i see a board up there in the middle where one of the balconies maybeused to be ... maybe a piece of concrete fell off. looks like some of the stairs have sustainedsome damage. not going to try my luck going up through the door at the very top. you cansee somebody maybe got a little bit clever
with their spraypaint. going around the leftside real quick. i've got my camera in manual instead of auto. i want to try to make theaudio sound a little bit crisper. this camera has a tendency to run the audio a little bithigh. that's nice. well, ya know. you can't get away from that, even if you come to aremote island. i am going to be going into some of the buildings. just want to checkout what we got here. if you want to see what's out here, it's mainly lots of overgrown grass,plants and a lot of fallen palm. looks like somebody is back in the back there in a boat.all right, second building. kind of an orange look to it. looks like there's no way throughhere. there might be a way through over here. there's a boardwalk. ooo it's hot. i'm alreadysweating. put some sunscreen on before i left.
brought some water with me because i knowit's going to be a little hot baking under the sun today. some sort of electrical roomhere. wow. really, really pretty, pretty flowers out here. you got yellow, there's pink overhere. i see some white, and all that with the blue building looks really nice. lookslike some trash on the ground. coconuts. jumping up on this wall. don't know what the pointof that was. some sort of thing to hang under. probably used to have leaves on it. nice littlestructure to stand on. you got some red flowers right here. there are colors all around. stillgrowing, just overgrown. doing this all continuously so i'm keeping focus as best as possible.really, really beautiful flowers and vegetation out front. of course, not to be trumped bythe almighty palm tree. looks like i found
something interesting over here. looks likethe entrance, but it's overgrown, so i'm going to try to find another way in. ah, perfect.storage room. let's see if you can see inside. not much to see. looks like this is wherethey would hook up cable. i found my way in. watching out for wildlife. i've seen a fewdead snakes on the road. wow. swimming pool, a little bit overgrown. before i do that,let me do a quick overview of what's around here, and kind of step around out here. guestrooms. palm trees. brick walkways. there's the ocean, most obviously. swimming pool.apologies for all the zooming. just want to make sure everything looks quality. hingesare completely rusted. lots of leaves, flowers, tons of glass. sliding door. some kind of,uh, guess that's the, i don't know what that
is. all right, in here you got the closet.let's check out what's over here. outlet. wow. stepped inside. flowers all over thefloor. i was able to video record in here after all. there's me in the dirty mirror,and this is about the time when a ghost would show up right there in the mirror, and theni'd turn and it wouldn't be there. lots of damage over time. not much to see. this obviouslythe shower, glass there. toilet. let's head on back outside. now, it looks like there'stons of glass that's just shattered everywhere. let's head over here. wow. i can see somepeople. going to get down. this is just the back of the peach building ... pink buildingand the other one, and just a bunch of palms. it's hot hot hot. jeez. i think that boat'sgoing away now. here's the swimming pool,
completely overgrown as expected over theyears. this vegetation is, according to the pool measurements, 6, 7, maybe even 8 or 9feet high. still looking out here at the ocean. apologies for any noise coming into the microphonefrom the wind. here's a look at the pool and the rooms that overlook them. swimming poolrules there in the middle. i'll go over there in a second. looks like some offices and thenthere's a larger room over here. let's go check this stuff out, and then let's go insidetoo. this is very cool. should be pretty simple. now i'm in the swimming pool. and you've gotthese very beautiful dolphin markings put here when the pool was first constructed.and all the overgrown grass. i see a pepsi can. lots of coconuts, pipes, tarp and paper.let's head back up. sandbags. might be a clue.
warning: lifeguard on duty. no diving. i'mpretty sure that's comic sans. it's been a few days since i've used a computer, or anykind of smart phone. divi tiara. might be the name of the place. pool hours 6am to 10pm.ahh, broken glass everywhere. this whole window of broken glass right here. i'm not even goingto try to touch it. that's what she said. stepping inside the office. this is a littlebit odd in that there's a lot of stuff here as if people kind of picked up and ran. foundsome sort of photo here. let me lean it against something. looks like we have a date here.september 9th and 10th, the weekend of 2006. this is the cayman new news. did anythinghappen on this date? i don't know. let's see what else we've got here. i'll try to puteverything back where it was. looks like a
2006 calendar for fiberbuilt umbrellas. keepthinking i see something out of the corner of my eye. there's a key and a car holdingdown a note. let's see what this is. phone number and name, as if it was written downthe day whatever happened, happened. although, i don't know if a hurricane necessarily didthis, because if the last calendar here is from 2006 ... that doesn't make much sense.i don't think there was a hurricane until 2008. i'll have to look that up. here's aphoto of a guy with a jackhammer going at the pool from the other side. i think overhere is where we are right now, possibly. all right, let's get out of this office. there'sa phone book and a heineken can. as we leave the office, filing cabinets to my right. sandbags.sandbags. right down below, a remote control.
looks like that's a door, but the screen isblown out. another office. there's a lamp. there's a drill bit set. not a lot to seein there. the blinds are completely ripped up. they're still there though. only one setof blinds left in this one. now, this, i'm pretty sure, is the gift shop. you've gotthe visa and master card stickers on the door. it's a glass door so you can see inside. hello.hello. nothing left. i don't really have a desire to go in here. let's see what we'vegot here. i heard some rustling, so i'm not going to go in there too far. don't see anything.there's a glass display case on the right and a wall on the left. some water bottlesin here and an old air conditioner. looks like this used to be the logo for the place.a swaying palm tree. we've found the lobby.
as you can see, some minor structural damage.nothing too bad. and here we go. just like the pool sign said: divi tiara beach resort.cayman brac. monday's they had manager's night with rum punch, snacks and local crafts. tuesday'sand thursday's they had night dives. looks like they had a drawing of the island. we'reright here in the southwest as i said earlier. divi tiara beach resort. and the island goesall the way up here. some of the ceiling damage erased whatever used to be here. this saysbeach art with, i can't read the rest. something about beach art. i've found the internet.and that looks like the credit card slot. they make you pay? oh, it looks like you getan internet card. front desk. let's start here. keys to all the rooms. and there's alisting here. looks like key numbers corresponding
to rooms, or something. a pool, beach andtowel card. and there's an old credit card swiper. and i'm not going to try to move it.everything here's rusted. welcome to our resort. let's go over here. i'll come back to thefront desk. looks like we've got two bathrooms up here at the front. really beautiful outsideas i said earlier. an ideal location for a beach resort. palm trees. and they put inflowers and everything else here. really beautiful. i'm not going to be doing much checking outof these rooms, because they look like a prime breeding ground for, yeah i'm not going inthere. up here on the front desk. remote control. a map of the island. let me blow on it. didn'tdo much. someone had to eat. tennis racket cases. taxi log. and there's a room back theredefinitely for phone lines. let's go a little
bit behind, because i know some of you areas curious as i am as to what is in here. i'm taking this very slow. i don't want todisturb anything that might be on the ground in here. there's glass everywhere. glass.glass. glass. cabinets, some kind of printer, beer bottles. i thought that was a safe butit's not. that's a cabinet in the middle. let's see what we got here. what kind of filesare these? ah, it's for rooms. i guess they would record if "the johnsons" were in roomsuch and such. let's see what we got here. maintenance request. june 22, 2005. room 303.toilet is not filling up. what does that say? looks like ruel. ruel got the job done. lookat that. look at that. the call came in at 6:15am. less than two hours later. this guygot it done at 7:50am. before breakfast. that's
good service. what happened to this hotel,ya know? i don't know if there's anything interesting. looks like they did a lot ofbook keeping by paper, which might not be a good thing, i don't know. but as you cansee, they also had a little bit of computing going on. this looks like the divi resortcatalog. carrying this over here under light so i can see it just a little bit better.looks like i found the right page. let's get in close here. there's one of the buildingswith picnic tables out front. beach with a bunch of signs around it, maybe by the bararea. diving. used to have a fleet of boats. says it offers a variety of accomodation levels,as well as amenities like freshwater pool, tennis court, conference facility, an award-winningrestaurant, scuba is a priority, fully-equipped
dive shop. down here on the ground, i'm notpositive but let me pick these up. these look like *noise*... i just heard something. ithink it's ok. meal vouchers. that's not focused. just looks like a piece of paper. looks likea sticker, but i can't tell. pool, beach and towel card. i'm not going to take anythingbut this. i was in the pool. i guess i need a card for that, right? correctable film ribbons.what's this for? i remember seeing these a long time ago. i guess that would be for atypewriter or something, right? aha, we've found who works here. general manager, patty,monalisa, mary, leanna, stanley, debra with accounts receivable ... she might have beenin one of those offices we went into. , accounts payable is laurel. coconut boutique, maybethat's the... *noise* ... i heard something
else. maybe that's the shop. coconut boutique.i don't see anybody here, but i heard more than one or two little rustles. ok. there'smy car. i don't see anybody else yet. ooo it's bright. here's one of the rooms. someof the floor is cracked over there. i'm not going to do much walking around in here. there'sa tv over there on the floor, lampshades, shelves. heading back downstairs. i'm backoutside. looks like that boat is gone. over here is the swimming pool. that first officeis over here. second office we saw is over here. now i want to see what's in here. wow.looks to be the dining hall. telephone on the ground. some kind of paper. and it looks like slips for food here in the dininghall. all gathered here in the corner, stuck, not able to blow outside with the wind. lookingback over here, the fan is moving with the
wind. no power. cash register. as expected,no money. i'm not sure if those are coffee beans or what. i'm looking around the groundand there are little cards showing different food that used to be served here. as you cansee right here, breakfast menu. you can pause if you want to read. you can pause if youwant to read. lots of other stuff around here. looks like the chocolate brownies weren'tenough to keep this place alive, huh? we've found the beach bar. i'm going to head outthe door over here since it looks like the safest way to get out. running over here,beautiful day. why don't we take a moment just to look at that? very nice colors onthis place are still here on the buildings you saw behind us and here. and here we'vegot the beach bar. but first, remember those
tennis racket cases? here's the court. can'tget in. nothing out there but a lot of coconuts and a lot of palm and wood. really amazingthat this beach bar is this intact. even if this place has only been down since 2006.i don't know if i mentioned, but it's april 2013 when i'm making this video. as you cansee, this place is adorned with signs made by people. and if you look through the resort,you can find connections, and one of the connections is that chalkboard we saw inside that saidyou can make art, and this is where that art was placed, and a lot of it looks well-preserved.i see some dogs over here. i don't see an owner though. three dogs. you're probablygoing to start hearing the wind a lot through my microphone. i didn't bring my windscreen.that probably would have been a good thing,
huh? let's see if anything's left now, insidethe bar here. door is still intact. barely moves. i'll kick it open. looks like the coolersare all empty. not a trace left. if you're going to take something, take the beer. circlingaround here, ah, we've got a chair. over here, obviously where a tv used to be, left side,tv as well. getting a little bit windy. that looks like the boat house way over there. not going to goover there though. looks a little bit dull, maybe overgrown. i got the jist of it. here'sa little hut with more signs. wow. a lot of people probably used to come here. kind ofcircling around now, don't know what else to look at. and i don't have a beer, but,i'll settle for my bottle of water here to tide me over at the bar.
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