Regal Beach Boulevard 18 Jacksonville Fl

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Regal Beach Boulevard 18 Jacksonville Fl

ceramics oh seven free c_b_s_ radio and it's two hundred seventeenaffiliated stations present

Regal Beach Boulevard 18 Jacksonville Fl

Regal Beach Boulevard 18 Jacksonville Fl, the c_b_s_ radio workshop radios distinguishes dedicated tomention that you mentioned alive report on d_s_p_

a study of clairvoyance delivery andextra sensory perception taken from actual case record ladies and gentlemen mr john mcintyre extra sensory perception come on telephone precondition these a lot of corridors

bob in everyday life you and i are faced with a multitude ofstrange occurrence amanda's about abortion airliner suddenly on a hunch he turns back to thegoing changes to another flight knowledge of the plane you would havebeen on fractions or mountains a mother suddenly in on the condo bleedbreaks into tears at the moment her son is killed of files miles away

reason unknown unexplained today a modern scientists are dealt with deeper and deeper into these mystery in the science laboratory of a greatuniversity a girl six yr tables draws card from automatic shuffling t on the face of each card is one of thefive possible design all-star a circle

across square really hard without ulterior cards the girls triesto identify designs departmental impression by caroline at another table man watches divestumbled off in the revolving cage the man in kolkatta number six dissect asksthe number six still another table experimental sharesphotographs for you and tries to project a mental image ofthe st louis artists are on board and

it's true these are only a few of the experimentsby which modern science hopes to probe into these unexplained phenomenon to solve one of life's greatest rhythm done mister mcintyre backdrop for just amoment suddenly uh... my name is lauren stopped mr dot kim now it's my contention most of thesethings can be explained properly investigated with adequatecontrols

science control perfectly normal logicalexplanation for almost any of these uh... so-called psychic phenomena i sayexcuse me mister mcintyre i'm russell forces and i'd like to askmr duncan question go right ahead with awesome mr dot continue do you feel thatscience has been able to determine by a what means certain men and women are unableto consult a four stick and discover water far underground you mean a lot of dollars in all hundreds of superstition that goesback to the middle ages i believe it's

more than a superstition ideally that'sextra sensory perception all gentleman may i make a suggestioncivility the workshop is included the case of awater does in tonight's report for case number one we have invited thegentleman who can give us an eyewitness account of how ordered ulcer works mister began with let me say that my experienceis limited to the method used by one particular daza mister henry gross gamewarden of data ford main probably the country's best knowndollars ur

two books have been written about him bykenneth roberts offer bestsellers as northwest passage in allover with world as a result of reading or mister roberts books on the negroside to set a new employees under fire water on my farm which is just outsidemanchester vermont shortly after i bought the farm the fall of nineteen thirty four thisspring that supplied all my water suddenly when dr some of my neighbors said nothing couldbe done about it some said i should call

in a geologist in try to drill a well instead i got in touch with patrobertson mister hennelly grows lasted mister grossman when we come ormaine and hours my father he said a word for a fee of five hundreddollars in expenses and a day or so later you drove up to my front door as a man of about sixty a little lessmedium height soft-spoken contrato and loaded them in the house for a cupof coffee and mister explain the conditions in london's great

now mcdowell in the five year you wouldthink you win you must be right there that spot and that may be off a few feet north andsouth yes i understand that mister perot's and they don't bring in one ofthose big bulldozers the d_-mark open jeans too maybe macias downs will try to decrease thegains in the water off a new direction yeah ocular might iraq gets out here most of my phones on a hillside bill of natural

as we walked along mister gross for thepoor goldenrod island bennett into the shapeof the letter g_ it took one fourth of the brainshrinkage hand-held appoint directly in front of him horizontal positions intial right suddenly the blinds yes looks like your old bring them onthe bright out-of-state appeal i didn't get your word was delightfuldid need to that's where my rights issues

that's why dick below it hit the rodpoints down but indicates water ma'am on refinancing rotted question i did means yes if it doesn't getnettuno can arrive telephone here we are in the spring and asking kiki how far away is the old bring more than a hundred yards here in amoment and in the log beginner ideology

another boggs and i think that this time it was motion is the lesson five hundred do you museum gaylord a head pleasures and continue to live in thekennedy listings for more than fifty eight and up to you

then based off the distinction promptedthe four hundred seven dollars i'm considering a man's tribe cannot beexact karadzic accuracy was fine now like his sister even trying is often attributed and a song about busted out you youthink the main vein is still flowing scissors just inflation signing it don lying on

mr coz began walking upright conformfrom asking or on the right time finally we have worked ourselves almostup in my back door and then have to go ahead you're on theside famine we've got a good games comes down toalphabet heroes uh... twenty feet wide deeps partition peak stand behind yourhouse is rises to within for feeding centers so this is a place to gauge you'll findits excellent drinking water pine

totally four fatalities they get myselfsurely he good exercise on just goes two or three times where your working yearsyou seem to break into perspiration tremble man name happens element fictional out of you who newfield largeryou save few unless you only i can discredit youmust be able to find the water without using divining rod naidu sometimes that roundys help whatever i do thinkother dollars's feel water the same way you can he can say but i do know thatmost of us who have no folks

whose homes would be used i think that's important very important five columnist re-growth instructionsgardens completely as one olympic water ceo far as we could tell a water main wasexactly free of the depth of mister grossmanpredicted and not by tonight to present in person the gentleman who participated in thisremarkable phenomenon mister robert w about one

of ice president of the world's largestadvertising agency the jail order thompson company mister barone thank you mister mcintyre would you care to make any comments onthis case no i don't think so except to say irealized that my experience with mister henry gross was quite impossible except for one thing it actually happened no other devicethan one man's unusual powers thank you

most about and uh... you might be interested toknow that in preparing this program the workshop has inquired as to mister henrygrocers recent activities as a water dogster he has been employed in the city offredericksburg texas by landowners on the island of saintcroix in the virgin islands by such firms as bristol-myers chemicallaboratories dac lawrence leather company asubsidiary of certain company my two large electronic factories in newjersey

and buy a canada's largest munitionsblack excuse me mister mcintyre may i just make a comment deductive thank you not the sciences investigatedwatered-down sing it appears that when that rod twists anduh... dips in the dodgers hands well it'sactually caused by an unconscious muscular action art that's correct there's no mysteryabout it but didn't used to also to use and what waived course will

even if the dow's who should control rodthat his city's unconscious muscular action what is it that affect his muscles if the desert has some strange affinityfor water how does he feel will now and then as i know how is it that mistergross overflowing pain of water can hold two thousand rajneesh slightlyoff-center and have one rod work front word and theother backward muscles can't do that lebanon yougetting off into the supernatural the supernatural

all the natural in a way not yet understood by science in every resins the age of ice similarmastodon man has been running returned to the witch doctors nurses andhe the astrologers magician the frogs in the coming sheets again and again his faith was betrayed and yet we believe because there was some uh...

in the bible nor a miracle belch as earth east in the house andmobile homes in the hand appears general home alone maintaining a take-home hearts and in that night was held captiveitalians their own dream to dream of seven backyears in seventeen years many demands it came about mom's left and saw vision of himself humble as into the beasts of the field

what are these dreams these vision to beexact through their phenomenal that come under the heading of pre cognition that is to st louis defense before itactually no it's not just a minute has just gotten times you know science findsit difficult to accept biblical stories as literal fact they are very effective yes asliterature but we can't possibly prove that thesethings actually did occur nor can we prove that they did not exist lore no equipment how about some

modern examples would you accept themthat defense on the quality of the evidence we all know that certain people to givethe telling some very remarkable things withdrew the pure imagination or a benchthat have been poorly observed in wrongly interpretedst dot can i doubt if you would charge broader mistake in the two cases i'mproposing leveled a matter of public wrecked at mister mcintyre would you pleasepleasure case number two

which might be called of the year was eighteen fifty-eight and this has to be a revolverpennsylvania playing over at saint louis among the crew where henry clemens andhis older brother sounds samuel clemens monday right his way tofame under the pen name of mark twain by listing below there are also martialarts they overnight homeless pamela pollen commonly antibiotics downstairshandlebars families harry comes in being answered

final brothers samuel staring wildlyabout are you doing at the gates alan the seems so so real i wasn't sure that jumped out of didn'tcame down to look at the same we would you have a big movie hosts a move toward he was being how scene you were just having a goodmoney and nicknames

it was israel is you want him are some really stressed out here in thecity he was in a middle coffee there was a bulky waste chased white flowers home quite except for one read what was in thesenate if this indeed seemingly steve cindy he's

a few weeks later on june thirteenth sixty miles below memphis the borders ofthe steamboat pennsylvania exploded among the one hundred and sixty minutesand slow hostile victims were laid out along line off that one sunil moments sony's found his brother manchester's of leukemia lifelong all night except for one when role in the same

there then case number three seven years later in the second week ofapril eighteen sixty five another man dreamed a dream afterward he told to his wife into hisbest friend as seemed to be did playing finishing that name

then then tribune's uh... lifted member at the community had said that it might be a good andwondered and state and when when commune no living prisoners and say at the same monthly sounds ofdisplacement news i've passed alone and with those puzzle

and alone i get uh... mandalay read at least bruno said the balmain the kind of i'm interested itpro and funeral best ended at three eighteen people'sengaging mentally removal we've been pitifully

as one of the soldiers there hoon dead on the way down the president he said he was killed by an assassin menacingly enabled the man who dreamed that greenabraham lincoln tended to play towards the end later his body lay in state in the eastroom

first i'd like to ask mr dot committeequestions the validity of those children all no mister costner except in this correctstatements of actually that but not tell me but you never had a dream of dying falling down stairs and being autoaccident nimble might imagine and i know i have well let's suppose that everybody in theunited states has had at least one dream of accident or disaster

that's one hundred and sixty fivemillion dreams now the symbol of averages guarantees that some of thosedreams will come true but i think this is a good time to call doctor sigmundfreud if one regards oneself as a skeptic itis will from time to time to be skeptical about one skepticism uh... andan armed clairvoyant dreams he said uh... decongestant mister mcintyre would you like to meagain tonight in vienna in nineteen twenty five doctor sigmund freud the great pioneerin the science of psychoanalysis had

this to say if they're uh... such things astelepathic messages that possibility cannot be dismissed ifthey're reaching someone doing street definite possibility i since that telepathic messages received in thecalled sympathy their own independent base doing itdream other finally night i hope you pay particular attention to that last partmister docket there is a possibility that telepathicmessages might come to a person only had read yes yes i got it

doesn't that suggest something to you at the very time of president lincoln'sdreamed john wilkes booth was planning his assassination using freud's theory lincoln might havepicked up both murderous parts by to look up therefore that the real it's astartling idea certainly but again the there's no possible prove the world isfilled with things difficult to prove their existence is operable wescientists have spent century studying the animal world and what do we come up with

the homing pigeon already that you can find its way backto a higher level and alumni and citation the both one online created by the determined directly onthe covered here they are online item household pets dogs in jacksonville separated but thereare going to bring back down and looked over distances in many hundreds of miles monday and how they have almost twothousand miles between the states of

indiana and i've done maintenance of determining direction undone the european he'll european heals woundsfrom inland rivers of the atlantic makes its way two thousand miles to the peopleof the west indies that's barnes and i a videos are doctorwest indies return across the atlantic gonna send the same rivers from whichthat has a time years before notify me that way dallas is all very interesting thisdevice in the days of things that we

call instead he isn't what is instinctconsigned to explain it we're investigating and and we still don'tknow i see that instinct includesclairvoyance and to let the at work at an animal level yes but that is simplyargument mister mcintyre me we have the case oflady the wonder who were sent case number four an example of com alliance as told bymister stewart white pan well in terms of agony

called nine eleven fifty right now wife nancy in our twelve-year-old boy there when i went up and a weekend in a mountain cabin back in the eastern tennessee on theshow a small lately late saturday afternoon billy one on thesailboat i told him not to president-elect stormblowing up in what you know i a m by any way to win in a stronger andstronger manson i get worried which are really trying to take usingonly been good fastenal

and the mast broke the book exiled past ran out ofthe wreckage position or china when we come up on their sports translation it's been over a couple of mentaldisorder find anything either pouring rain we had over two hundredvolunteers calling the words in the shore the money and run down after two days it is the chief rangeranderson was pretty discouraged

with regulating transplant still lovehim mama raven body must be caught on thelatest on him out quickly began reading notes like is not the more we can do grow back to my wife and it's a funny thing is mcintyre you send me stop crying he said now it's time to try that for she'd readabout it supposed to be able to find missingchildren and names lady

michael didn't rediculous but uh... we drag everything else the horse which missus why i could readabout is lady on the by missus cd founder of richmondvirginia this famous while mom five-year-old helena bonham and in front of my own the strangecontrivance levers and wooden blocks with letters of the album and numbersrunning from one can bombing instructions while fascinatingnext month lady miami

might have my name name ought to move toward one of the letter sequester knowles against the lever on the block eleven lp danielle t so that's why do you see more thisimpossible nobody around you know your maiden name lady guys

well lady is nice and a lady and live told me uh... can hi trade lady willies belly query as billy k he uh... skated in a cave

mister and missus mop up on the midtermchief range around as an academician recalling the search hurricane following is from the visual revolvearound around us alive lol i was found in a small caveapproximately one and one quarter miles northeast of the lake he was unconscious dr water gave him a blood transfusion hewas removed to the hospital when i was able to question him thewhite boy stated the circumstances after the sailboat capsized and sank heswam to the nearest chill

while attempting to return home throughthe words he stumbled into one animal fat draft broke his left leg and he began tolose blood in a state of brighton confusion he thenbegan to crawl in the direction of late from the lake he discovered the cave and decided tostay there until a rain storm was over sometime during the night he lostconsciousness even-numbered nothin more into a revival in the hospital he wasdischarged therefrom on october twenty eighth

recovered peace is similar to that a lot of oilit's almost may be misguided surges to the recovery of the bodies of missingchildren may be read in newsweek magazine nations of october twenty-fifthnineteen forty eight december twenty second nineteen fiftytwo february sixteenth nineteen fifty three in time magazine issue of decemberfifteenth nineteen fifty two in life magazine issue december twenty secondnineteen fifty two and in popular mechanics magazine issue of marchnineteen fifty two

yes the dominant station you just heardwas a compounds of those several such actual cases on manual sweetmore manuals written ballscientist implausible september seventeenth that there are sawtelle waking dream harahan and atthat very moment in the city of stockholm fifty miles away expressed by the houses which were thenimplanted in the correct all of which the fire was extinguished

that german guys and the king of england in which he described his dream of worldwar one party is divided is david when along with the game where it would be outlined the tires five thousand eight non-human any questions it was deposited i rest my case used a dot p

idea iraq's mikey breeding grounds star several sits at the table and ross carthrough an automatic shuffling machine by the mathematical laws of tax sheshould correctly identify without looking at the cars five out of every twenty five grand this girl has sold as high as nine andfifty cards consecutively correct fat in one such experiment the scoresexceeded the laws of chance biography of

four hundred thousand to walk back can still other cases the odds of risento the astronomical ratio of one pretty loose and one in five billion to do alot of in laboratories and universitiesthroughout the united states and europe and south africa research goes off wealth you life is being shared on thephenomena of telephony and carolina today maybe not fog this field and science well established theprinciples of extra sensory perceptions

and its operation as firmly as the lawswhich govern nuclear fission fat ideas advanced plaza sigmund freud byother investigators may yet be proven back they're corrupt long before man's firstcruelest hammering long before he first chiseled his idealdrops into stoned them and communicated to the problem andi through fall tonight the c_b_s_ radio workshop haspresented report dont bsc directed by jack juncture

research and script by a minute sinclair john mcintyre was an error the cache included lucille meredithbillion bhaiya band diamond lunch often russell choicesstacey harris robert allen boris lewis sam edwards raymond burr amber holland original music for tonight's program wascomposed and conducted biomedical marino vocal by normal summer the c_b_s_ radio workshop is produced inhollywood by would improve this issue got busy writing you to joinus again next week

present cops and robbers unique experiment inwhich a real-life detectives used actual police methods to solve fictional crime presented on on the new york philharmonic symphonybroadcast presented by most of the same stations they send me you hear the second of two hormones thatprograms granola bar there will conduct themon-sat symphony number twenty five indian nature

and then will present they're a littlepalm modhzam requiem that's this sunday on c_b_s_ radio k_g_o_ involve either to c_b_s_ news people at on most of the stations viathe justices co america this is most of the c_b_s_ radionetwork pad the mad math dead at

how many radial where the return of the columbiabroadcasting system and two hundred w_w_ the breakthrough resentment in new york radio worked out revealed that the week it is dedicated to mend imagination but the other problem on and robert is a game played by children and at thegame actors play on the radio for a

living tonight the actors as usual will beplaying make-believe robbers but the car will be real the studios radio workshop present my name is family name uh... writer mostly of crime criminalswillfully do about them a long time i wonder what will thepapers with the when confronted with a difficult time

and tonight two previous radio worked upis giving me and to find out julia reactors and hydrothermal along with the detectiveswill try to find out britain remembered yet which rivercornwell of the decade or retired members of the policedepartment that is in new york hartford to st eleven groping room twelve on the upper east side ofnew york men

however where properly marathon that book cookbook fine how do you think you're aware all well flavor

when we're gone that bickering back and then back on right dot dr we're not getting that we cannot poorlybaby listen the you got them by me antigen you have to get don't do that and you repaired the federal report the panic here

recuperating then you can buy corporal respect forget about the charming william but he got the problem of underwoodjoins on the ground don't have to do with it and he got to come from hongkong indoor again when that time again upon return if you can pick upanything that will win

football normal entrepreneur aware of them anyway airlock para are on earth perot that are going to go on our owncuomo the or only internal and corporate one barrel rampant in our into minimum i started going few on shaadi guy

grandma margaret margaret so we know whether the papers will tryto find out vikram referred to was the start ofserious nature that the christian perspectives one commander was called from his home is to providethe investigation i was one commander the night oflieutenant dan campion repair group with the former little overa year ago reported by the record your honor the detectives working under him will beour sequencing

hearing repudiated approximately an hour and then there isthat the requirement for the victims jacobson was carrying the squeal which means it is his case has returned to the station house mosttyping up a report on the progress of the investigation so far remember the detectives have no script they're calling themselves doing their job look like they've doneevery day

keg hollow tunnel yet applicableincrease in the night before not owned a liquor store owners of the strike in st the kind of weird or what mine return but farewell address tomorrow earlyeighties the recycled and uh... prospect of concrete clark who was in front of the story onthe back door will book reading one uh... he stepped out he had a personal recruit or european that we could go on

runaway leader portfolio job zspiritually warrior to arrive in somalia enormous parma hospital the product out of the state governmentbecome an five porter momentum and they went down to arrive here at thethree hundred syndrome reflected was george's blows works something else for them be a little more than a hundred dollars he grabbed radio money in a paper bag and uh... ran out the problem of streetanybody

so many good identification number ttheir identification the uh... followed a car we found outlater pierre enron cooperative we have someall-woman market down anybody's same those connotation man trying to help theall-woman up record volume ten iran your own for demolook tomorrow when he was getting into a car and got away you got down on occasion and although aminority of that or but alibi to north korea to lead red tape the forest andpaper using warriors round uh... that was all over the black barbara

i got the last three number of employees i don't go on for a car over the topfive would vote for a number of them all-boys remove neighbor increases werenotified abdominal hand-in-hand around here they're kind ofturned him down on peripheral fingerprint card funded remembering themoon there've been repenting commando working then history he wanted to do

remember growing remember grandparentingon rebuilding my army doesn't think he will need for me tooextreme implementing content broadcasting on that or pyramid builders remember conduct getthe owner's name another you down with goncalo with that and then going onthere so great get along with how we have to make thatcall until we know that all around the world problem or a group of propagandaand on

now we see the paper corroborate correct but what about the characters played byour actors let's get back to them the following team was written murdersrecord remembrance and of course worker campaign we'rewe're we're going on there because there would be returned bravado uncommon uh... act hotel closed up you can attendthe meeting up with the best vital

people like that and republicans complicated generally are well with the big genuinely shortcut thecosmetic not only he had been with the case binocular significant in the same place what wouldyou agree now what does the genuine he will not beback in town and i think that unequally without them

i went home and i started to the chineseare from all right but then i figured if i a m gonna be a long weekend i don't know much more important song so i think you know the will work and i ran into you want to call in agood job and i borrow your car used to kill one of the people that would get soyou get indicating that was done that went back and let me come a long way inhell i meant to the car yeah that's right and i drove around town for a good placeto make

i parked on seventy second street wherei could get away i walked around the corner of thequickest or just want to pick it was in my copy berg yet it was all perfectly simple juhu wantleft the compound wow it was a good pledging to clean upthe register mom hadn't bothered or older sudden another court comes up from theback with a gun sold to rebuild our breath away he dropped my picture on the ground forthe call

to make a long story romantic on on wedregarding again right around and i'd call you got a borrowed the go hike thecorrect or not the kind of papa playing on human until i got away okay idon't think anybody make a license number that was when people look at mebecause i came around the corner but i don't think that was the number on acompliment somebody good that's what we're talking about you know looking for me to have somebody did inthe cops go broke in the u don't tell me what you call leads dole palomar led to the coloradomike i looked up we don't know what the

so they don't look like a stop in theranch at the problem but he made the problem just wanna coverage but theground mark municipal experiences i was in a bar and grill watching afight you didn't tell me what you were going to do once in a couple phele showing you a long time from the meeting to plan b_ broken down combat

how much to chip in terms of the system mobile problem how much you love a hundred and twelve dollars it was bad awakening in the envelope soyou gotta help me i hope your party we need to differ on the warm enoughpeople but i can't i don't have to go to a twohundred at twelve oh i may have to look

for it but there's not a travelerprobably a kickback that we were different let's look at the hoping that the roomgo to sleep with the car park in new york and true buchanan approximately orthogonal four hundred downplaying taken care when you gone from if we procure and knowingabout the cause but why don't you give me a camp but there was just one momenti gotta work it out

livejournal you probably know don't cut the uh... itbefore mister unrepentant voyages were one one one of the ruling now that i think you really think thatdown and get the caramel with sufficient information was tackledin the campaign is instructed his men on the next step in the investigation effective grampian jacobson personquoted seven sixty one e seventy six the address with the progress of pumacalmly and with me in the car is

registered remember perot on there is no script record your honor on toilet repair kit let's see what happens bubblegum aruba ammount well-founded

song corporate broke new ground listening tojoseph mccarthy went down deal a lot more material this time around i mean i think that people have to go relaxing tonight with a monster revelations yes i have arranged in sir to support him

lululu penalizing amount to a completedmountain uchida curriculum accordingly emotion mcconnell well that uh... second avenue betweenseventy seven seventy eight degrees wandering around four well i was in a bar on i was watchingfight everybody would be alitalia mariann

couple of hours as the every once inawhile in there or someone and one weather was like uh... give me a coupleof broaden com of the removal of the family of crimeare normal royal anchor forty lolololol marlin mark your going on every corner thousand movement incurable three were arrested one of the rest of this error that attwo o'clock anything that usually with

long hair don't forget that right so you might interest you propose toprove right now you know i a member of the modem arrivedin palo alto ca hospital okay we're doing work on the incorporated thedetectives returned in a statement warp them up into the courtroom and in the lutheran communityinvolvement some of the economy armored car or on the work on the murder

zimmerman different nimble clearlyoutline of the term grand buffet dinner with andre only i'llbe right back with mark on the rehab small businesses democratic government uh... there are alocal up on the floor model of the one horrible yellow margot perot vendor could we bring them in your pockettantamount along the dusty where everything no matter what others i have a strong economy

or even from me riverboat because the majority of it theory that the fire and london world buckingham palace coaching paperbackokay a rather than i am a porno day very cooperative or whitewater but not a lot of plannedparenthood bowling alone without the sender's rover kristian

what do you recognize look for me were occurred dabble in the uh... removed apple what a liar on the racetrack to approve your bookmaker wellingborough therapeutic numbers ronald reagan on the other thing you'regoing to bring no i wasn't there is nothing on

because one of the fingerprints roads are slippery triggers appeal in their own tonight with thewindows monopoly analyze your program when they hear gerry at the beach c_i_a_ in this fellow's name and address you've got a pretty good record an album than it was rejected the informationbureau and if he's been in the other problems for anything no now that are coming on the right now

well if i could probably go like that wide-eyed erica christine owens pleasefollow the rule yeah i don't have to work went well i cry cause for concerndot hopefully we can that would led light you will find yeah i was glad thati was wondering uh... one-hour will you were at nine twenty biodegradable for a growing firm sacramento greenberg dot samantha seven

i got there but ah... or about nine o'clock last summer new rotten carter and then the cuba iswith this but in time i want to go to bob and we were to read uh... coupon amountof bible merman about ten o'clock and there really a couple of that's me means by the bombing in perry you didn't leave the premises areremaining and die hard work did you see

the whole find out what's going on a wonderful romero alone low-income wonder what i did youget to work ideas before you get the answer when you get a nigerian agreement on theway you know limited nineteen fifty two unlocked donald vandermark one right now or are covered by the blast with orwithout gramm-rudman reduced it does not mean

the peripheral caroll uh... hello and welcome you know what well yeah remember there are moretechnical word for these all along all curled much about others read a lot ofyour as you know more about our wholenicholas lives and who you are confident we have no money for them and i and itold you run would pick you up at your house that would run about fiveeverything that you told me let me tell you i know that manages the removing the barbarawimberly or graham in the economy

that's okay with me for interruptingdieron fingerprint them and i don't think that the northern if they don'tcome up with something different moriarity that everyone in the morning they're effective agronomic women's borngrow and recommended to get the bargained away regroup and clinton's office ido power of the retiree why they call'em widen the part of the bullpen every inch of the

moran this is the fact that any independent jacob hanoi agar for more than an operating plan arvind organized right up there but eight years now radiator i write the downfall of all americansmartha what do you want you know if you

look on the line character on the online yeah return on the image in the roomyeah yeah mineral nine lower belly prohibiting nineteenth amendment camilo after nine o'clock or about nineo'clock p with their online yeah i was there

probably dollar fight like the fight is there about their portable and ithink anyway it will be working i a couple of proud of her herb cohen far over the last names comment by coshe's always with them what we need your commitment to me either goes around nine o'clockhollywood boulevard are on

ronnie were very kind of car could bethere at ten thirty brown with a very unlimited in retirement all to learnabout the going on information knowledge for better or not is there wasworking on it i mean leaving americans about their baby following him all night marijuana and when you are and then iremember it and i know i know it's all

very well republican minority report onit dollop of rather than they were there orbicameral in america who i think the far right and uh... i think uh... call but this was a temporary i think so uh... i carpool i forgot about it billy wright

manner suddenly jocam broke apart and i got acall what i remember which was why right after by male femalevoice you mean amina dadi harbor deliver mailvoice mail network unequal in under oath that he will leaveright away to a group of about uses there's preggo belly we're going towrite about anger but for eleven right at the bikerodeo donate all line up with a friend you know when you make your heidentified

arabic around when he wrote them that the philadelphia howell right awayi helped rebuild your you've been removed bar all night here dealers and you go home and think and ithink bill when lying about when i was there well rhode island top wind and you weren't going to be alot uh... programming

normally when you get a phone call inand out the paperwork started well i work excited right now of course i wake upcall koro at that point please nightmares where work irreparably harmed a record group ofyoung men the looking beyond our control looked for what we want all the bankereverybody holder particularly given the whole of the listof those who you will need to go into a

somebody like yours maybe bill redekerreports with waiting outside your area dialogue and going out with a big oregon reluctance throwaway thankful have been appropriate on your part ornot ivo andric phenomenally had become na nayou are wrong on that it was only because i was very powerful but the problem on you were there andthere's no more than generally known around the world europe your doeseverything and they probably won't be left up in the back

their control panel i have beeneverything below your video or the headline abstract however robertbrown remember c grown-up department and now youprobably don't play everything belong film and we'll know whether previously at themeeting a boy this is a felony gundogan anybody already well i got him and i a narrowing or ifyou could check with uh... with the way and and with blood blood work in thegarage for a place that will have somebody technically awwwww somethinghere

when we found that gun in your car and what we're going to do it on thestand up and down to the bullet that bureau to have a testimony amphitheater conforms with their bulletthat was shot and prevent man tonight so what does the whole hwy one hourafter you were arrested for eighteen ninety seven of the penal or what kindof the new york bombing i wanna tell you right now you'repermitted recalled somebody alright alright martinsville taking your mannequins

periodically repair or broke women babyand you all day walmart out of my brother baby anymore hi i want to pick a restaurant nobody'sor another thing that rottweiler he rendered why don't you come a long timeago what reliable carolyn i've got a call call them white deceitful or doc both the what's broken both protruding unruly replied that wewill not has learned that premeditated placed awreath at delhi

uh... francisco own you know this requirement formillions let's put his name another surround checked out of the hearing himagain and then go ahead an article on the upper merion he said that the otherseniors michael milken barbara dot or moreprimary warmer or so that they were very important toremember themselves described as i can get there is notheodore was excited or right your company he had no idea sorry anywayuh... aloe vera carp term along along barclaycard in vietnam and what he wasgoing to do not need to bring our own

community are right now and the recliner perezballadares i don't know where you're probably isaround amalie traveler we're going in on thecall i don't know anything like it would beglad to germany subways right here you're going to go study with him guideto arabic reportedly were brought up welfare most of the time receptors andfirst be discreet in north philadelphia

three ninety eight degrees one of our bazaar three-e_ zoe baird they operate okay is going to get my governor throwingjuneau dialect that in fact i think we're going to put him in a bowldownstairs in world war naku recruited papers ramona burglar outthere that i was glad

heroes are able to make the finalresting the case neighborhood unitarian gives his instructions we're going todepend on her own remembered the number one laughable but the delivery and bangkok well onboard barbara wall and by men are higher than hahasorry that you're not talking donovan and i told them

but now we're went down room or you're going to go in ourweather bachlorette you know at least now look at your own grizzly negatively arab will find our we'll find out whoare available the memorable includes for the people who are long all blank ramalinga and mark and i are one other couple on the card armored carapart

with them ballerina it up in jail and my wifeimpoundment older how much of their vision fifteen dollarsper one hundred and uh... on alternate week on it all up and i don't think mymoney back if he kind of holograms putting up a hundred dollars on theirmobile number covered on clinton's bumping corporal and you know what their needs and helpthem all right back where the money thismorning

my money on my math well women determined and valued of religion i'll let the right know or did you getthis morning primary and worked as a parent and theirrepair a year ago formal failed along though twelve years ago and cellphone whilei've had a good job of different recovered now right now and then borrow

whom with martin that my corporate group near eighthundred and i think very similar cover who live here on early yep parenting wasmeant for the required that the on won't comment on what i want them herenow with work memorabilia one than ever before well that i have no

parole bottom yeah i know i am not qualified asan example right we're going to my first of all howmoldovan that i've been down there stated no dot com i didn't i didn't know that that ihadn't been a long time and don't give any of that was done at the clubeliminated where andrea koppel only one i would be shown

so one of the show walia formulas what are you working homework on her your vehicle when this is all about howlong do you know they're doing long andrea koppel who clearly had no meaning healer morerelevant well i don't know what to what we whatwill matter more clothes in the closet that power return money winner

who are who are not war well don't think my mom and dad yahoo require all over the world mononokai while um... you know i don'tknow i have been a lawyer camelot era all along detail are not that i looked at themonument there at one eight hundred markers that battery commonly n while noin leon removal from whether or not and i don't know i don'tknow when i realized i don't know your

editor forty-eight yet i haven'tforgotten what it is not what you make of the hill activated them costly and reported and we can't find anything on in fortyeight hours we give you another forty years and we keep giving your fortyyears until you get a ride hahahahahahahahaha when i picked them upor second on the house while realizing that you are a lot goingon reminded gone beyond that my mom barbaramerino regard some one

and that was cops and robbers with a real cops in north korea robbers directors and i'm sure you will agreevery good actors going for the most part were knowing where the backgrounds ofmotivations of their characters sample that they were gone as per the record rally larry and craig jill and camera crews the work number

for c_b_s_ radio worked up is gratefulto apparent van kampen and woodpeckers richard jacobson howard quentin jerry proprietor program i hope we did you're listening to cops and robbers onthe c_b_s_ radio workshop cops and robbers was conceived anddirected by feminists lol collectively to america all names were fictitious examples ofour detectives to overthrow of members of the detective division policedepartment

city of new york this is rob reynolds environmentalismnext week when the c_b_o_'s reveal worksop will present the legend of jimmy drawn unloaded forums that the music byrenewable the story of a job from berger who'sthose who thought of the devil the previous radio work drop is producedin new york park while robert another brilliant counted by the newyork philharmonic symphony comes to you over most of these transitions on sunday

as we go hand held a return to conductan exciting program be during the beethoven concerto number four and youmade your with the distinguished german gunnerswilliam barr house as the lord ignoble five minutes of c_b_s_ newswe've although most of these things they can buy the deck cartoon show tonight the p_b_s_ radio worked up wastranscribed into the studio radio network this is the c_b_s_ radio workshop is this a warmer

endl is the mood any all right sizzle in is that the standing had backpack and uh...

influenced adv israel step if you ain't got allow design that field springfield bizarre holidays that he yuki god

a division of the columbia broadcastingsystem and is still under the heading into the rescissions present for c_b_s_ radio workshop radios distinguishes dedicated to man'simagination the theaters alkaline does this all on the holo tonight's transcribed an original story about it

the legend of jimmy blue eyes by edmund brophy with original musicbuyer a local starring william conrad as the narrator and jimmy dot as jimmy belies worn bymany fine historically over lukewarm as a legend of goldenthal hottelet kit tried furlough it wasn't it come alive but veto streak with a hotlicks tickle benson the shuffling

admitted he enabler budget liberalize came on the thirdchild of a hunger he played all they are on the streets issaying tanase like is noteworthy loads comehere andy field van watch that can when i made a stand up on some of the love and care whilehis face lit up like a county fair if i let the play of the players runawayclosely at that time

and all the prayers he ever knew and uh... blue note trumpet i hear on the streets from the sun themoon is bare feet deep to each party to whom this prep for the general swing anduh... anna sawdust and spent a lifetime he stole a free lunch from bailoutsplaces plus a look back at the fairgrounds races he thought that that like a lot i can

last lovers fortin man jim able as turned sixty he joined that panel of the sunken killed thursday night as special prizesdixie cared whether solvable ads played what is uh... nazi skinheads approx back roads in a timely manner a cold change great his fancy

uh... he went first class he was obsessed agenda blue was love the belly of acadre long big alley he could written the deck with candiseases cleaner koch gerlach abilities player met israelis were abetted i guess that that boris

i don't see no more money on the tableunfold enough floral and you do it adhesive that bill delightfully instead indiana wit me in the loop one althoughit should be u_-boat playing on a number of a votefor that and a little gradually money who says you can't win it the litter king that's

tsd six king queen beds test sft kingstown me again stitched possible straight fit

sps stooge it was unfinished act a problem won't or there is a pretty beat up peace man she blows plan as we fifteen actual there it's a go kenyon

is can show biz window eleven killer and safe now an enormous scale right demanding you couldn't conductadvance and i know that old thing what she's a saying in dream baby of quality of the whole night buddy bolden used to do contract out whatever and part st

echoed down the river side but in an open line of uh... how willstop all other reform school downright clampdown man isn't so and i fell in line is that the otherhand at the end it's it's sweet jill i'm sure no fancy damien but i'm not getting banged natural music i'll take his bad syllable one in nakedtalk come body grovel have since i was born in

do you think about unanimity at least love fast finally another kitten candy towards saint louis in memphis a mistakeand if you stuck up in a my products to a problem on blood comingup and

summer's games letters with and jim is lebanon it was then as for the it that most of the world is sweet geo blue with i've lived through it outlets joey had no created she's uh...infringement glass of beer with from is educated or test show does shows you will fall

that gets so it fortunately he loaded up it will still cold in theheaded for the service housed appropriate double cross analysis kill hole in the fall let cost that leads at forty four bullets saying around his head jim killed a tourist guide stays it should discuss it got a slander kennylam

walking the streets of the pedsmathematical city held its life and back it many said this house outlet philip popped the flowers cases such as on thefloor whispered nevermore he did with americans about five minutes themyou know looking place

then got moved close feasible betterthan that utilizing it is definitely the that in execute man the bag is pretty hitwith a little bit things clinton's forgivable asean in need memos in the utilises says it is for you this is true that the

florio but mild who loves him his email brought to trial fellow judges but unable to look not meeting with the book came in luck steel security granite he played a music rich

uh... desert contract he says is along with his wings at all it this time was then too pick up their own all that no was a man does son went down and started buildinglove

financial press wolfgang prohibition anna district mcdade quick position but combat here but that is a good night hit the send the table clothes andnorthern land or that said wally here in nineteen thirty five

yesterday darkened videotape telegenic allies at the bricks he was amaster operates is topic alton sold in search of a note that was in there it played out as fast gala silversea he smiled played right along

until asthma and ran back to his heartbeat you show me in on his final fair seeksan open his name and i'll show you a guy that most many he's alone and crown st please scan is chile to his fellow man ali might wind up on also dr has grown

fortune it's not an issue uh... breaking actor here dot people at a time vehicle transactions plastering his maybe not inquiry berestored teller mod squad

anal as extension of the brain i try to one diamond mambo sales but they wouldn't bring it up it through he killed a quarrel ravaged a if no please she meatball u_p_c_ strategy this result tonight and that's it she goes to pot black jungles gene

it's contrary devils through businessman imaginative tell me why two miles north of nowhere one man sounds someplace to bear littleusually molehunt norwood jules no uh... man in that she cleans and they uh... balloon which

faiths fail fetuses school means this year's you need to do that all the you know me man in magic him on monday in just the complying with heavy well done

not company as p some walls is desert he jaw you lie which i've got the price will in the darkness i'm desperate do you leave desperate

level with me hiding his union as ever you've got to see night forbes he he fewer asking one thing com despite and as you can can you believe i'll have it looks like the devils i setting

you lied he have to buy what's the asking for a price right makeout he's been he keeps anything keep life digit devil man will cut a deal be m_g_m_ salamander magic dances too too soon one of the keno

my darling war he came in the flame of smoke and funded that almost all of the telusu is slower cad system smoking was is honestly these fish in the world he's still directed a man of both anna'steddy was great

kirit cool it states that speak that facial if you put the air at first aid is the situation mister just call merace and the very democratic check also is being a take the form and what is your prevalent in april was

and what is your what he's done well wilkins to that it is set below the radar is being made delay secret love insert liberty below w_ ray turned that silva home that being the

giving will uh... it's walked on theb_-twenty never touched him on the street you are a broad smile upon his bears guythat never never know it was it london old says number-one tomorrowanyway lately time what name internal all price to pay bartlett so it does come down for thelong run in chicago town

even the world's top complicated twentyyears whispering that has pulled out a new orleans dougcold that morning from the jeans that that only him hotlist hill the contents hot candidates you cannot manage like you came back k dot k

the cash here and he laughed off estimate realized only off most of the federation of india thatsaid jimmy's alone i know uh... global fortunes birth came on ever read the jordan was game ph was under the dates of us out of thegame

asaro sign on the outside well it's not it shows uti let's meethit nightingale song dead wrong brought federal it layla but at least that taking secondhand tree c jill took a stage with a massive pride and cut is trumpet open wide

cash don pizza and that happened in china him last note from from you and i'll set up experience out by the area around it his little chat with me lending credited to your boy

had not yet here that i had date dot bad dot but now hint at this stage struck a stance bowl sort of catholicjournalists chains he warmed up list strongmen they've filled his role in ever uses hole

then quickly led letter with its is gold planted sleep-wake dead razor slashes when will whiskey bottle pressured culminate a minor-league from the following week here and this cable many p optional because

another salarpuria matter it's one stage oldham educator wouldn't true wouldn't dedicated and here's a guy that fix-it men withgreater left but said and patch

so outside of the tropics crackin okay ko is saying is true is it only ban on match leeches with me nancy's is pan it's given lives and time again but it'svery hard and sold green clear winner prolonged except frozen ground again gender split to see them i've met

goldstone is invasion cop itself floats dania from atlanta sent a readiness by patents on the firsttime in the senate in using like a and land belonging heartbreak room left on the slant of front line up the

honor that's uh... of chemical let's get some was that blewup have million stuffed and and at never never know clifton came out of that as a indicated that uh... bro at lead

with the principal a some on display in all that enabler france but it'll only sailing and company put the command was then reached thatbefore the last note it's indians

of healing his trumpet crack no matter where o'quinn pop music closeif you're not hip as padding hindi film the whole level favors too and blue restorative available as game on earth but ratherthe hunger despite his milk with all the time ofyear

any play all day around the streets ofsan so come along for a dusty monopolisticprevention pizza chapel in at issue install a bill that says no his alleged and fair who hit techno that wasn't it pack tonight hands but from hollywood

the c_b_s_ radio workshop has presenteda alexander giving black an original story about a by havingbroken with original music by renewable andstarring william conrad has narrated with all the time anytime adapted and directed by incentives demigod apart initialized appeared byarrangement with walt disney producer of the bombing motion picture intechnicolor song of the south starring unbelievers benefit son of the south will be releasednationally easter week

also featured in the kashmiri rival andgeorgellis senate race and bordman jack miles and tony bennett featured in the all-star band where tompeterson trombone seven o'clock on planet seven wise runsthat robert gallo mary green drinks the workshop is produced in hollywoodbilingual this is a woman and along the is the move name

god's will loses the woman and the wall then isn't moving and and and wall and and nanay yeah there's a row step if you leave that

allow this time val that you love spin bill the god that i'll visit our holiday that any and he that made well the

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